(Pictures above from the Valley Abortion Group social media pages. Top Left: Abortion center leaders pictured with Notorious Late Term Abortionist Shelley Sella.)
By Bud Shaver,
Albuquerque, New Mexico- A new “queer” led abortion center has opened up in Albuquerque that performs abortions in all three trimesters. The Valley Abortion Group, also known as VAG clinic, was in its early stages of planning by third trimester abortionist, Carmen Landau when she died suddenly in October of 2022 at an illicit drug use conference. This is now the sixth abortion center operating in the city of Albuquerque.
It’s All About AbortionNo other services are offered except abortion at the Valley Abortion Group. As with most abortion centers, they are heavily leaning on multiple abortion funds to help women get their abortions for free. They even help with travel coordination, presumably primarily for those coming from out of state. In 2023, over 14,000 women from Texas came to New Mexico to end the lives of their children via abortion.
Valley Abortion Group performs elective abortions up to 32 weeks of pregnancy and in the third trimester they utilize the grisly M.O.L.D procedure that was crafted by late term abortionist George Tiller.
MOLD is an acronym for the four products employed in the abortion process: Misoprostol, Oxytocin, Laminaria, and Digoxin.
This induction abortion method takes 3-4 days to complete. On the first day the woman is given an ultrasound to determine the gestational age of her baby. Then, with the aid of the ultrasound to guide the abortionist, a lethal dose of the heart medication Digoxin is injected into the baby’s heart one of two ways: either directly through the mother’s abdomen or via the mother, vaginally. Digoxin gives the baby a fatal heart attack. This is an off-label application of the drug, which was developed and approved as a treatment for heart disease.
After the Digoxin injection, the woman’s cervix is packed with laminaria, thin tampon-like sticks made of seaweed that expand the cervix gradually over the next day.
The next day, the woman is repacked with larger laminaria sticks and given Misoprostol to prepare her for active labor.
On the final day of the abortion, the woman is given the drug Oxytocin, which induces contractions and the onset of labor. Women then are placed in a room where they endure the labor process. When it is determined that the labor has progressed to the stage where the baby is about to be delivered they often deliver their stillborn child in a toilet or basin.
Valley Abortion Group charges $12,500 for a 28 week abortion and at 32 weeks of pregnancy the cost is a staggering $17,500. New Mexico is one of 17 states that uses state tax dollars through Medicaid to fully fund abortions.Mixed MessagesThis radically progressive Valley Abortion Group
is seemingly trying to set itself apart from traditional abortion centers by claiming that there is a problem with “inequity.”
The Valley Abortion Group (VAG) Facebook page states that,
“At VAG our providers deliver care through an antiracist, survivor-centered, trauma-informed approach”
and that,
“All Genders Have Abortions.”

Apparently this just means that, to them, all the other abortion providers in New Mexico are racist bigots. Another big emphasis on their social media pages is a call to, “Free Palestine.”

“The Valley Abortion Group leaders seem very confused and unstable with fringe
allegiances, ranging from the ‘queer’ community, which are physically unable to reproduce, to Palestinians in Gaza who are not indigenous to New Mexico. One thing is for sure, they are proudly hell bent on ending the lives of pre-born children up to the day of birth. No matter how hard they try though, they’ll never get rid of abortion stigma and rightly so, it’s not normal for mothers to intentionally take the lives of their pre-born children,” stated Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico.”

According to the NPI Registry, Thanh-Tam Ho a Certified Nurse Midwife, at the University of New Mexico is the co-medical director of the Valley Abortion Group. It also appears that Miriam McQuade, MD is affiliated with this abortion center.
The Abortion Free New Mexico sidewalk teams will begin reaching out to pregnant women at this new location to offer prayer, hope and resources to help them choose life for their babies.
Tara Shaver continued,
“The last thing New Mexico needs is another abortion provider. New Mexicans need to come together to build a culture that views motherhood as a beautiful gift and children as a blessing. So many leftist ideologies have permeated our culture and since there are no common sense laws such as waiting periods, informed consent or gestational limitations pregnant women in crisis are vulnerable to the predatory abortion industry. Abortion is innately traumatizing to a woman’s body, mind and soul. The Valley Abortion Group is unfortunately contributing to the degradation of women by only offering abortion procedures instead of real life resources that empower women to motherhood.”