Albuquerque, NM — Last month Project Defending Life uncovered a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood of NM Action Fund (PPNM), abortionist Shauna Jamison, and Richard Adams MD. New Mexico Medical Board (NMMB) complaints were filed shortly thereafter against Jamison and Adams by Tara Shaver of Project Defending Life.
The lawsuit information against PPNM was released to the public by Project Defending Life to ensure that unsuspecting women seeking services at PPNM are fully informed of the risks posed by obtaining medical procedures at their facility. On August 29, 2011 a woman went to PPNM for a tubal ligation, she subsequently endured a perforated bowel and became pregnant 7 months later. Not only did she languish in agonizing pain for two days due to a preventable and potentially life-threatening injury, but she did not even receive the procedure for which she paid.
“It’s important that these physicians be held accountable by the powers that be, meaning the NMMB, to ensure that other women aren’t injured. It is also the responsibility of the NMMB to fully investigate all Medical Board complaints in the interest of public safety,” stated Fr. Stephen Imbarrato.
However, in a letter dated January 3, 2013 signed by NMMB Executive Director Lynn Hart, Shaver was informed that there would be no investigation into this woman’s injury. The complaints in their original form were returned to Shaver, which appears to violate the Board’s own policy of maintaining a record of all complaints that are filed.
“There’s no denying that a woman suffered a serious and preventable injury at Planned Parenthood, yet the NMMB has the audacity to refuse to even look into the matter,” said Mrs. Shaver. “This purposeful refusal to investigate reveals a callous disregard for women’s safety on the part of the NMMB.”
This New Mexico lawsuit is another example of a national trend of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics maiming women that inevitably end up in hospital emergency rooms. In recent months Planned Parenthood has proven to be more concerned with covering up their negligence than they are protecting their patients’ lives.
In July 2012, Tonya Reaves ended up at a Chicago, Illinois morgue after the Loop Health Center Planned Parenthood failed to alert 911 after an incomplete second trimester abortion that also included a uterine perforation. Reaves suffered through internal bleeding for 5 ½ hours instead of being rushed to the emergency room for care.
“The time has finally come for the women of America to throw off the myth that pro-abortion propaganda foists upon them, deceiving them to believe that they will receive any kind of quality healthcare from abortion doctors and clinics,” stated Bud Shaver spokesperson for Project Defending Life.
Previously, Project Defending Life submitted 14 complaints to the NMMB based on recordings of 911 calls placed from Albuquerque abortion clinics that indicated botched abortion patients were rushed to local hospitals suffering from life-threatening injuries. All but one was dismissed by the Board. The one that moved forward against late-term abortionist Shelley Sella involved a ruptured uterus during a late-term abortion at 35 weeks due to overuse of contraction-causing drugs. Even that case has proceeded under a cloak of secrecy, with the NMMB closing a disciplinary hearing that should have been open to the public.
Lynn Hart’s oversight as Executive Director has made the NMMB fully complicit in covering up for physicians who have a total disregard for the lives of the women who seek their services.
Because of the disturbing trend shown by the NMMB to ignore complaints involving abortionists, we are calling on the public to contact Lynn Hart and demand that the Board do their duty to investigate each complaint, including the one recently submitted against Planned Parenthood abortionists, in the interest of protecting the lives and health of women.
Contact Information for the New Mexico Medical Board:
Lynn Hart
Executive Director, New Mexico Medical Board