Dear Friends-
The month of April has been truly blessed as we continue to serve as pro-life missionaries in the late term abortion capital of the nation. While we are used to sending missionaries overseas, Bud and I remain acutely aware of how much Christ must be proclaimed in America. Our culture, our cities, our leaders all need to hear the good news of Jesus and what living for him looks like. This is why our family serves and daily strives to light up the darkness in New Mexico in a relevant way. Without life we have nothing, if a child isn’t born they don’t get to choose to live for Jesus on earth, they don’t get the chance to be loved, they are robbed of that which we can all take for granted. Thank you for standing with us for the precious gift of life that comes from the LORD!
Surprise! He’s a Boy!!!
Our family is blessed to announce that the Lord has added a new member to our family, Azariah Shaver! We anticipate his arrival to the outside world on or around October 11th 2018. Big sisters Tirzah (8yrs) and Moriah (3yrs) and big brother Eden (5yrs) are very EXCITED as are we!
The scriptures tell us that children are a reward from the Lord and that they are a gift. It is an amazing journey to experience the life of a child in your womb and to consider how intricately the Lord knits them together with such purpose.
As with all of our children, we pray that our second son grows up to surrender his life to Christ. Please join us in praising Yahweh for Azariah and for the blessings a new life brings into the world.
Great Turnout to #ProtestPP in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM- Albuquerque, New Mexico joined 149 locations across the Nation in 39 states to protest Planned Parenthood…the nation’s largest abortion provider.
In Albuquerque more than 75 people joined in solidarity through prayer and protest to stand for LIFE, and in opposition to their hard earned tax dollars being spent to subsidize a failing child killing industry that more and more Americans reject.
Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement,
“The effort to defund Planned Parenthood has nothing to do with taking healthcare away from poor women and families. It’s about taking tax dollars away from the nation’s largest abortion chain. Until Planned Parenthood stops killing children they shouldn’t receive one more cent of taxpayer funding. We will continue to use our voices and every peaceful legal means necessary to ensure that we are not willfully complicit with the government sanctioned killing business of Planned Parenthoods across this nation.”
- Full #ProtestPP Recap: Great Turnout to #ProtestPP in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Abortion Free New Mexico Co-Sponsors HUSH Documentary Screening with Students For Life UNM
(Pictured- Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, Tara Shaver, physician Maryrose Turner, and Emily President of Students for Life UNM)
On April 16, 2018 Abortion Free New Mexico and Students for Life UNM hosted a FREE screening of the HUSH – Feature Documentary and held a Q&A session afterwards at The University of New Mexico – UNM. This event was not Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life… but PRO-INFORMATION!
THE HUSH DOCUMENTARY PROVIDES COMPELLING EVIDENCE OF THE FOLLOWING: Preterm Birth & Breast Cancer Risk, Abortion & Premature Birth Studies, Abortion & Psychology Studies, Sex Selective Abortions and Female Infanticide, Late Term Abortion Significantly Increases Risk of Complications Versus Early Abortions
We extended an invitation to several pro-abortion student groups at UNM and even asked them to include a physician of their “Choice” for the Q&A session…but they only showed up to protest and steal ALL of our information off our table!
IRONICALLY the Director of HUSH, Punam Kumar Gill, is a Pro-Choice feminist who produced the HUSH film to begin a healthy conversation about how LEGITIMATE fact-based scientific research proving the harmful effects of abortion is being suppressed by the “Pro-Choice” community. She saw that the BIAS among her own base must be addressed if there will ever be a chance to truly #StartAHealthyConversation about abortion and women’s health.
Producers of HUSHfilm.com, “In ‘Pro-Life’ circles, hearing about the negative effects of abortion is a common thing. Churches and Crisis Pregnancy Centres will tell you about the psychological trauma, potential for physical damage, and even breast cancer, that abortion may cause. On the other hand, in ‘Pro-Choice’ circles, and at abortion clinics it is commonly told that the procedure is much safer than childbirth, that the psychological effects are the same as if you deliver the child, and the breast cancer connection is a closed case. One way or another, someone is lying to women.”
Tara Shaver issued the following statement,
“Abortion always ends the life of a child, but women have no idea how abortion will effect them in the years to come. The majority of ‘pro-choice’ proponents and abortion mills in this nation are not informing women of the true nature of abortion when it pertains to women’s health. This is why I applaud Punam Kumar Gill, the director, of HUSHfilm.com and the producers who had the courage and strength to go against the tide amongst her own ‘pro-choice’ community.
The information presented in HUSH is invaluable and relevant in today’s culture where abortion is used as birth control and is often the only choice that women with unplanned pregnancies are offered help for among the radicalized ‘pro-choice’ community.
I’ve witnessed this firsthand. A few months ago I took a teenage pregnant mother to her first OBGYN prenatal appointment at a University of New Mexico health clinic. That morning right before her appointment she had an argument in the waiting room with her teenage boyfriend and when we were taken back to visit with a doctor this mom was visibly upset. Pregnancy can be a difficult and emotional time for any woman, but how do you think the doctor responded to this situation?
Instead of providing positive reinforcement that this too shall pass, the University of New Mexico doctor immediately questioned if she wanted to keep the baby and assured her that she still had options and could terminate the pregnancy! If life throws the smallest curveball at a young mom who is pregnant the ‘pro-choice’ world tells her that having an abortion will somehow remedy her situation. However, all the abortion will do is rob her from indescribable joy and potentially leave her scarred both physically and emotionally in ways that are never explained to her beforehand.
When women are 20 and have an abortion they don’t think about how it will negatively effect their physical or mental health when they are 30, 40 or 50. All women need to unite together and stand for the truth about how abortion profoundly impacts those who obtain them. I proudly stand with those like Punam who are willing to use their voice for what is best for women despite any presuppositions.”
In the news this month: “New Mexico for nearly a decade has been the declared “mission field” for some of the country’s most strident activists opposed to abortion. Bud and Tara Shaver, an activist couple with ties to Operation Rescue, relocated to Albuquerque in 2010 upon invitation from Father Stephen Imbarrato, a Catholic Priest Associate with the group Priests for Life.” continue reading…
Thank you for standing with us for life!
We are a Christian missionary family serving in Albuquerque, NM. Putting our faith into action, for the past 7 years we have exposed Albuquerque as the late term abortion capital of the nation and have worked to bring accountability to an unregulated abortion industry that is killing children in their mothers wombs up to the day of birth.
In order to be the most effective in our pro-life ministry, we do this important work full time while homeschooling our children and raising them to have a biblical worldview. We rely solely on the provision of the Lord and individuals like you to provide for our daily needs.
- We are pursuing and working toward an abortion free New Mexico.
- We would be blessed to have you partner with us in this ministry. Your prayers and support are invaluable.
- Click here to make a secure donation online
Blessings, Bud and Tara Shaver
Please pray with us for:
- Strongholds to be broken that are keeping abortion in New Mexico.
- The New Mexico Medical Board’s investigation of Curtis Boyd’s involvement in the abortion related death of local Albuquerque woman. The NMMB has the authority to revoke Curtis Boyd’s New Mexico medical license!
- For more information: Medical board agrees to review provider of late-term abortions
- Open doors to share our ministry with others and in churches.
God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. (Hebrews 6:10)
We need your help to get Pro-life candidates elected in New Mexico. Please consider how you can volunteer:
- Steve Pearce for Governor- Sign up to volunteer at his website: PearceForNM.com
- Michelle Garcia Holmes for Lieutenant Governor- Sign up to volunteer at her website: LTGOV2018.com