By Bud Shaver,
Albuquerque, New Mexico- For almost one year now, Abortion Free New Mexico’s, No Sidewalk Without the Savior, prayer initiative has brought volunteers to the UNM Center for Reproductive Health (UNMCRH) abortion center each day to be a living witness for life. We may never know the full impact of our presence but we sometimes have women who come and show us their babies years down the road who kept driving the day of their abortion appointment. However, it is moms that we have the privilege of serving and walking alongside in their journey through pregnancy that we celebrate in this article.
We are proud to announce that two of the Texas women that our volunteers worked with have delivered their babies! Two moms are whole today and full of joy, as they bond with their beautiful babies, and this is our living proof that when we pray and make ourselves available, women are empowered to receive the beautiful blessing of motherhood.
Abortion Free New Mexico will routinely get emails with questions like, “Will anyone be on the sidewalk at the abortion clinic?” “My daughter, granddaughter or friend has an abortion appointment” is usually what follows in the correspondence. When a woman is considering having an abortion it impacts so many people, it’s not just the mother’s “choice.” Fathers, grandparents, siblings and other extended family and friends are often wrought with concern over the life of the child and are equally concerned for the well being of the pregnant mom who is sometimes positioned to drive hundreds of miles for an invasively violent abortion procedure.
Here is Ashley’s story: “Will Someone Be There?”

Ashley’s mom emailed Abortion Free New Mexico the day before her daughter’s abortion was scheduled at the UNMCRH abortion center. She desperately wanted to know if anyone would be on the sidewalk to talk with her daughter who had traveled from the Dallas area to end her first pregnancy. After communicating off and on, Tara was given contact information to reach out and see if Ashley would be willing to meet. Thankfully she was willing and they met at around 9:00pm the night before her scheduled appointment.
Upon meeting, Ashley was visibly sad, emotionally detached and seemed hopeless. Ashley shared that she was not with the baby’s father and that she didn’t think the timing was right at this point in her life to have a child because she wasn’t sure which direction to go in. Tara encouraged her to consider that having this baby could be the very thing that could stabilize her and give her life a purpose. Tara also shared all of the risks and real life stories of women who have been harmed by abortion followed by visual proof of what abortion does to children in the womb. Ashley simply needed someone to hear her story and help her see the possibilities and good that could come from having the child that was already living inside of her.
They departed that evening and shortly thereafter, Ashley told Tara on the phone, that she would be choosing life, getting an ultrasound when she returned home to Texas and that she was going to place the baby for adoption.
Ashley later shared that being told about her baby, the pain he/she would endure and seeing what abortion actualy does to children ultimately made her realize that putting her baby through that would haunt her the rest of her life.
On March 9, 2023 Ashley gave birth to a healthy baby boy and she has decided to co-parent with the baby’s father. She is full of joy and has received so much support from her family. She has accepted the beautiful gift of life, to nurture and cherish, even though she initially thought abortion was the only choice for her.
Here is Faith’s Story: “If you Hadn’t Been There…”

One Tuesday morning a gentleman pulled into the parking lot of the UNMCRH abortion center, his eyes locking with a volunteer standing in prayer. As he pulled around to drop Faith off for her appointment he initially felt defensive, but as he drove away leaving Faith behind he started to feel conviction. He went over and spoke with the prayer volunteers and they encouraged him to be a voice for the little one scheduled to die and to be a support person for Faith.
Faith was too far along to get the abortion that day, although in Texas she was told that she was only 15 weeks pregnant, the UNMCRH told her she was 28 weeks. She ended up with a referral for Southwestern Women’s Options and left the clinic to later meet with Abortion Free New Mexico’s volunteers who encouraged her to choose life and not let her fears take control of her life. Her driver also became an instrumental voice for life and they decided to go back to the El Paso area to continue her pregnancy. On February 4, 2023 she gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl named Maria de Jesus (Mary and Jesus). Faith and the person who drove her that day are so grateful to have this little one in their lives.
Upon reflection, the driver of the vehicle later told volunteers that even though he felt defensive at first seeing them he realizes now that, “If they hadn’t been there and taken the time to speak with me, Faith most likely would have had the abortion.” He also shared that it was a picture of Jesus that caught his eye out of all the signs posted that day by volunteers.
You Are Vital in the Fight for Life
It is the pregnant moms who were brave enough to speak with us and to choose life that prove our prayerful, visible and vigilant presence on the sidewalk is effective. They are the heroes!
Your prayers and support make all of our efforts possible and it is our amazingly faithful volunteers who stand in the gap each day as the last line of defense for these precious unborn children. Thank you to all who make our work possible and to those who are on the sidewalks each day.
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moms choose life!