Dear Friends,
We are excited to be working together with Priests for Life to raise national awareness about late term abortion. This month we released two undercover recordings which reveal that late term abortions are easy to obtain in New Mexico… for any reason and that the abortion cartel is more concerned about the profits they can make off of lucrative late term abortions than minors being exploited by sexual predators.
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, stated, “This latest undercover call continues to rip the veil off the abortion industry and show our nation what even most ‘prochoice’ people oppose: late term abortion of healthy babies, paid for by taxpayers, and conducted by an industry which provides cover for sexual predators. What we need to know to end abortion is found in the abortion industry itself. We just need to continue exposing it, and we will.”
(Video #1)
Read our full report here: #NewMexicoTrue: Land Of Unrestricted Abortion
- Priests for Life, Abortion Free New Mexico Release Second Undercover Call of Appointment for Third Trimester Abortion
- CBN News: Barbaric Third Trimester Abortion Described In Undercover Call
(Video #2)
Read our full report here: NM Late-Term Abortion Clinic Staff to Minor Incest Victim, “Contact Medicaid” NOT Authorities
New Mexico is the land of unrestricted abortion but with your help, prayers and support we are working toward an Abortion Free New Mexico. Thank you for standing with us for the babies.
Abortion Free New Mexico Going Through the Manual
This month we held two meetings to discuss the first half of the Abortion Free book that is the manual we are using to guide us in our efforts to make New Mexico abortion free.
We are going to need as many people involved as possible to accomplish all that we have planned to bring accountability and exposure to the New Mexico abortion cartel.
These meetings serve as a place of concentrated prayer, brainstorming and community as we begin to implement this strategy. If you would like to be involved in these meetings and need a book please contact us at our address below.
We are looking for opportunities to introduce this manual and vision to others. Please let us know if you’d like us to come to your church, Bible study or home group to share and let others know how they can be a part of making your community abortion free.
Bud also had the opportunity to speak at the annual CSA National Day of Prayer week. He shared one of our latest undercover videos and the vision of Abortion Free New Mexico with those in attendance.
Abortion Landscape Shift in New Mexico since 2010
Abortion Free New Mexico introduces a 6 Part Series exposing the NM Abortion Cartel…
Part 1: In 2010 when we were invited to New Mexico as pro-life missionaries by Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, the abortion landscape was a lot different than what it is today. The three of us in conjunction with Operation Rescue quickly coined the title “Late Term Abortion Capital” to describe Albuquerque and designated New Mexico as the “Abortion Capital of the Southwest.”
An article in the Albuquerque Journal quoted radical pro-abortion activists who, “[Ranked] New Mexico No. 1 in the nation for providing equal access to sexual and reproductive health services.” We, however, were determined to push back against the New Mexico abortion cartel that was eager to expand it’s killing business even deeper into New Mexico.
In no time at all we began to put the pieces together and uncovered the corruption that has permeated the state and kept abortion unrestricted for so long. We outed abortionists and made sure everyone knew who is willing to kill pre-born children for a profit. We began to expose horrific abortion injuries at Southwestern Women’s Options late term abortion center and at the University of New Mexico.
Since 2010 three abortion centers have closed!
Now only five abortion centers remain in the state and Albuquerque alone is home to the state’s three last remaining surgical abortion killing centers.
“Since the Shavers have been working to end abortion in New Mexico, they have made great strides in exposing rampant abortion abuses, helping to close abortion businesses, and saving lives. To achieve the goal of an abortion-free state, it takes the wisdom that comes from experience and gritty determination. The Shavers are certainly up to the task of building an Abortion Free New Mexico.” Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Vice President of Operation Rescue
Read the full report: Part 1: Abortion Landscape Shift in New Mexico Since 2010
Part 2: Planned Parenthood of New Mexico is on Life Support
In addition to the revelation that Planned Parenthood (PP) NM will be closing 3 referral clinics at the end of September 2017, we uncovered that the only PP in the state providing surgical abortions is currently without an abortionist! This is possibly due to our complaint filed against a PP nurse practitioner who was performing abortions in violation of New Mexico law…
Read Part 2: Planned Parenthood of New Mexico is on Life Support
Here is a quote from the Albuquerque Journal:
Tara Shaver, spokeswoman for Abortion Free New Mexico, said that she feels the national funding conversation could be contributing to the closures.“It all kind of makes sense to us when we look at the climate change … under President Trump,” she said. “This is a step in the right direction for building a culture of life in New Mexico.”
Read the full report from the Albuquerque Journal: Planned Parenthood to close 3 clinics in northern NM
Contact us if you would like a copy of Abortion Free: shavermissions@gmail.com (suggested donation $20.00)
Love and Blessings, Bud and Tara
Thank you for your prayers and support on behalf of our ministry and our family. We love you all and keep you in our prayers.
Ways to be a blessing for life in the new year:
-Become a monthly financial partner securely online here.
-Give a one-time financial gift.
–Host an Abortion Free New Mexico Strategy Seminar for your Church, Home Group or Organization.
“Seek the well being of the city to which I have sent you. Pray for it to the Lord. For in seeking its well being you shall find your own.“ Jeremiah 29:7