By Bud Shaver
Albuquerque, NM- Abortion Free New Mexico and Students for Life UNM have extended an invitation to several local pro-choice groups to attend a FREE screening of the award winning documentary HUSH at the University of New Mexico on Monday, April 16, 2018. HUSH takes an honest and compelling look at the effects of abortion on women’s health in many areas that the pro-choice community continues to ignore. All are invited and encouraged to attend this screening.
After the viewing of the HUSH documentary there will be public Q&A period where Abortion Free New Mexico and Students for Life UNM will have a pro-life doctor available to field questions. Local pro-choice groups have also been invited to provide a doctor of their choosing to answer questions as well.
Here is an excerpt of the invitation that was extended,
“Abortion Free New Mexico and Students for Life UNM would like to invite the Student Alliance for Reproductive Justice, Nursing Students for Sexual and Reproductive Health, Medical Students for Choice, UNM Women’s Resource Center, and NM Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice to a FREE screening of the full-length film, HUSH.
Following the screening of the film will be a discussion with at least one physician with knowledge and experience about abortion and women’s health related to the content of the film. We would like to find one more physician who would be willing to speak on this panel and answer questions that members of the audience may ask during this time. If any of you should have a recommendation, please have them contact us.”
Click here to watch the trailer
HUSH is an internationally acclaimed, award winning documentary that will be playing on campus on Monday April 16th, at the University of New Mexico SUB theatre, and doors open at 6:00pm. HUSH is directed by Pro-Choice Canadian, Punam Kumar Gill, and is a well-researched, “pro-information” examination of the health effects of abortion and miscarriage on women. Following the screening of the film will be a discussion with at least one physician with knowledge and experience about abortion and women’s health related to the content of the film.
“Hush, which seems to me an objective overview of the situation, should be seen by pro-choice women, pro-life women and women who are simply concerned about themselves or their daughters achieving their reproductive goals with optimal chances for long-term health. That is to say, by pretty well all women.” BARBARA KAY, NATIONAL POST
Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement,
“The scientific evidence presented in the Hush documentary is relevant to every woman, especially those who will face an unplanned pregnancy and consider the possibility of having an abortion. Abortion can have devastating consequences on the health of women who obtain them but no one is talking about it. Now is the time to start a healthy conversation and make sure that every woman is fully informed about what she may face if she chooses an abortion. This documentary can also provide answers for women who face health issues years after their abortions.”
- Preterm Birth & Breast Cancer Risk
- Abortion & Premature Birth Studies
- Abortion & Psychology Studies
- Sex Selective Abortions and Female Infanticide
- Late Term Abortion Significantly Increases Risk of Complications Versus Early Abortions
Tara Shaver obtained a consent form in 2012 from a woman injured by a late term abortion at Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO) that clearly states:
“The risk of terminating a pregnancy gradually increases throughout the course of pregnancy. These comparative risks become approximately equal at 16-18 weeks of pregnancy and increase so that pregnancy termination at 18 weeks and above involves a greater risk than carring the pregnancy to term.”
- View the SWO Consent Form 2012
SWO Consent Form 2012 by Bud Shaver on Scribd
Join us for this FREE screening at The University of New Mexico
- Date: Monday, April 16th
- Time: 6:00pm
- Contact: shavermissions@gmail.com
- Location: Student Union Building Theatre Level 1
- Address: 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131
- The SUB Theater is on the Cornell Mall just north of Popejoy Hall. Parking is available in the parking structure just south of the SUB. The theater is on the bottom level of the south side of the building.
- Download the flier to share with others
- Click to download: FLIER FRONT
- Click to download: FLIER BACK
- For more information visit hushfilm.com
RELATED: Abortion Free New Mexico Co-Sponsors HUSH Documentary Screening with Students For Life UNM