From day one when we arrived to the wild New Mexico west back in 2010 we have worked to expose and end late term abortion, called out abortion collaborators and have held elected officials and leaders accountable to protect the most fundamental right, LIFE. The great news is that the political climate has experienced such a monumental shift since we came to New Mexico in 2010 as Pro-Life Missionaries. New Mexicans will now have the chance to elect leaders who will truly work to promote a culture of life that so many Americans have fought so hard and sacrificed so much, since the founding of this great country, to preserve and build upon.
- THANK YOU for standing with us to help build a culture of LIFE in New Mexico!
New Mexico Political Showdown Brewing in The Wild, Wild West!
Albuquerque, NM- A political showdown is brewing in New Mexico between anti-Trump, anti-America, anti-family, anti-life candidates known as “Progressive” New Mexico Democrats vs. Pro-Trump, Pro-America, Pro-Family, Pro-Life candidates that are being labeled “Hard Right” New Mexico Republicans. The line that has been drawn in the sand as the dust clears after the New Mexico primary election could not be more clear and the URGENCY more stark! The battle between good and evil, right and wrong or the good guys vs. the bad guys is coming to the political big screen in living color here in New Mexico and will be raging until the November 6th general election.
Even the Associated Press is seeing the showdown that is brewing:
Her [Lujan Grisham] victory against two primary opponents set up a showdown between an outspoken critic of President Donald Trump on immigration issues and [Steve Pearce] a member of the hard-right Freedom Caucus in Congress who campaigned for Trump in 2016.
Read more here: Lujan Grisham to face Pearce in November race for governor
“A line in the sand has been drawn here in New Mexico between candidates that will protect babies lives and defend our conservative values. Between now and the New Mexico general election on November 6th pro-life conservatives must actively support and promote the candidates that will uphold the values that we hold so dear. This showdown will determine which way our state goes, to affirm life and protect the most vulnerable among us or take us down a path that will solidify New Mexico’s reputation as the Late Term Abortion Capital. Now is our chance to come together and work to elect the leaders that New Mexico desperately needs. Please keep this election and it’s candidates in your prayers and consider how you can be involved.”
Here are the results from the New Mexico Primary Held on June 5, 2018:
Governor: Pro-Life/ Pro-Trump (R) Steve Pearce vs. Pro-Abortion/ Anti-Trump (D) Michelle Lujan Grisham
- Abortion Free New Mexico Validates Rep. Steve Pearce’s Pro-Life Credentials for NM Governor
- Pearce criticizes ‘total assault’ on Trump
- NARAL Pro-Choice America Endorses Michelle Lujan Grisham for Governor
- Top Trump critic Michelle Lujan Grisham running to govern border state
Lt. Governor: Pro-Life/ Pro-Trump (R) Michelle Garcia Holmes vs. Pro-Abortion/ Anti-Trump Howie Morales
- Abortion Free New Mexico Endorses Michelle Garcia Holmes
- BREAKING: Susan B. Anthony List ENDORSES Michelle Garcia Holmes for Lt. Governor
- Planned Parenthood Votes New Mexico Endorses Howie Morales
Attorney General: Pro-Life (R) Michael Hendricks vs. Pro-Abortion (D) Hector Balderas
- Abortion Free New Mexico Endorses Michael Hendricks
- Planned Parenthood: State Attorneys General Are Teaming Up to Sue Trump and Protect Our Rights
Senate: Pro-Life (R) Mick Rich vs. Pro-Abortion (D) Martin Heinrich
- Abortion Free New Mexico Endorses Mick Rich
- Planned Parenthood Action Fund Celebrates Martin Heinrich
Congressional District 1: Pro-Life/ Pro-Trump (R) Janice Arnold-Jones vs. Pro-Abortion/ Anti-Trump (D) Deb Haaland
Congressional District 2: Pro-Life (R) Yvette Herrell vs. Pro-Abortion (D) Xochitl Torres Small
- Abortion Free New Mexico Endorses Yvette Herrell
- Nat’l Pro-life Group Endorses Yvette Herrell for NM-02 Open Seat
- NARAL Pro-Choice America Endorses Xochitl Torres Small on Her Bid For Congress
Congressional District 3: Pro-Life Jerald McFall (R) vs. Pro Abortion (D) Ben Ray Lujan
- Abortion Free New Mexico Endorses Jerald McFall
- Jerald McFall for Congress on the Issues: Abortion
- Planned Parenthood Action Fund Celebrates Ben Ray Lujan
This election season is just getting started and there are key positions that pro-life candidates MUST fill to secure a future for the babies in New Mexico, especially at the highest level: Governor and Lt. Governor seats.
We are working to help Michelle Garcia Holmes in her campaign for Lt. Governor and also Congressman Steve Pearce’s campaign for Governor, but we need your help. Please give your best gift today to help us elect pro-life leaders in the late term abortion capital of the nation.
Please keep her and the other pro-life candidates running for office in New Mexico in your prayers. This election will determine which way our state proceeds, whether it is a blessing for life or not. If you’re in New Mexico please consider how you can help let others know how important this election is and where the candidates stand. To help with Michelle’s or Steve Pearce’s (Republican Governor candidate) campaign see contact information below.
- To further help with Michelle Garcia Holmes campaign visit: LTgov2018.com
- To further help with Steve Pearce’s campaign contact: joaquin@pearcefornm.com
- For more information visit: pearcefornm.com
Real Estate For Life: Support Pro-Life Missionaries…At NO Cost to You!
Summer is almost here, are you planning a move or do you know someone who is? Now, at no cost, you can work with Realtors who share your values & in doing so you will help support Pro-Life Missionaries to the Late-Term Abortion Capital of America! Real Estate For Life (REFL) makes it easy for you to support Traditional Values.
Here is how it works: You or a friend…
- Decide to purchase/sell a home or commercial property anywhere in the world.
- Call Real Estate For Life first, before you call a Real Estate Company (e.g., an Independent Broker, C-21, Remax, etc.), and REFL will make the necessary arrangements to market your home.
- One phone call to Real Estate For Life and you will be supporting pro-life efforts.
- With that one call, Real Estate For Life donates money already being spent on the services of a professional broker.
Contact Real Estate For Life today and mention that you would like to help support Pro-Life Missionaries Bud and Tara Shaver. It’s as simple as that!
- Call: 1-877-LIFE-US1
- Email: Info@RealEstateForLife.org
- Website: www.realestateforlife.org
Thank you for standing with us for life!
We are a Christian missionary family serving in Albuquerque, NM. Putting our faith into action, for the past 7 years we have exposed Albuquerque as the late term abortion capital of the nation and have worked to bring accountability to an unregulated abortion industry that is killing children in their mothers wombs up to the day of birth.
In order to be the most effective in our pro-life ministry, we do this important work full time while homeschooling our children and raising them to have a biblical worldview. We rely solely on the provision of the Lord and individuals like you to provide for our daily needs.
- We are pursuing and working toward an abortion free New Mexico.
- We would be blessed to have you partner with us in this ministry. Your prayers and support are invaluable.
- You can Click here to make a secure donation online to schedule a secure monthly or one time tax deductible donation. Simply select Bud and Tara- Pro-Life Witness from the drop down ministry menu.
Blessings, Bud and Tara Shaver
Please pray with us for:
- Please keep the New Mexico 2018 election in your prayers!
- The New Mexico Medical Board’s investigation of Curtis Boyd’s involvement in the abortion related death of local Albuquerque woman. The NMMB has the authority to revoke Curtis Boyd’s New Mexico medical license!
- For more information: Medical board agrees to review provider of late-term abortions
- Open doors to share our ministry with others and in churches.
“See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.” (Deut. 30: 15;19)