Dear Friends,
We laid it all on the line for the babies and against the seemingly insurmountable odds in New Mexico this legislative session. With the democratic party in total control of both chambers of the legislature and the power to sign any law into effect with newly elected governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham, a radically pro-abortion democrat, we knew that if there was to be any hope of opposing their PRO-DEATH AGENDA, it was vital to activate the voice of the people of New Mexico and reach the hearts of the Catholic Democrats and urge them to vote their faith. In the end, God heard the prayers of many and the Catholic Democrats came through for life! Thank YOU so much for your prayers and support!
Here is a great summary of the legislative session from Breitbart.com,“Catholic Democrats Join GOP to Defeat ‘Pro-Death’ Agenda in New Mexico”
“Pro-life advocates and Republicans in New Mexico are thanking the Catholic Democrats and other ‘patriots’ who joined them last week in ending what was referred to as the “Pro-Death” agenda in the state legislature.
Bud Shaver, who leads AbortionFreeNM.com, told Breitbart News the defeat of House Bill 51 was ‘pretty miraculous.’
He added that one of the ‘most encouraging developments’ for members of his group during this legislative session was the connection they made with the patriot community of New Mexico.
‘We were proud to stand together and protest in the capital against the push by fringe leftist democrats to destroy the values that most New Mexicans hold so dear,’ he said. ‘Patriots from all across New Mexico joined together as one voice for prayer for New Mexico and to support President Donald J. Trump, stand up for life, the Constitution, the Second Amendment, Free Speech, the wall and against illegal immigration, rigged elections, higher taxes and corruption running rampant in New Mexico!’
The ‘Pro-Death’ agenda consisted of HB 51, which would have decriminalized abortion, and HB 90 and an identical state Senate bill, SB 153, which would have legalized assisted suicide.
HB 51 would have compelled doctors and nurses in New Mexico to perform abortions and – similar to New York’s new abortion law and the controversial Virginia legislation – would have removed all restrictions to abortion.
While New Mexico already allows abortion up until birth, HB 51 would have removed a criminal ban on abortion that has remained on the books since before the Supreme Court’s invention of a right to abortion in Roe v. Wade in 1973. ‘The criminal abortion law that was enacted by the legislature in 1969 doesn’t need to be stripped from New Mexico law, but strictly enforced,’ Shaver said.‘We needed six Democrats to oppose HB 51, which was the attempt by the radical elements within the Democrat party of New Mexico to remove the partially unenforceable criminal abortion law enacted by the legislature in 1969,’ he explained. ‘In the end, eight Democrats voted to oppose HB 51 (six of them were Catholic). Most assuredly, due to their leadership and public opposition to HB 90/ SB 153 – which was called the most dangerous assisted suicide bill in the nation ever – that bill died on the House floor when the bill’s sponsor, Deborah A. Armstrong, pulled the plug on it when she realized that she didn’t have the votes!’
‘We applaud the eight Democrats who voted their faith values in defense of life and broke rank with their radical extremist party that currently controls New Mexico,’ he added.
Shaver said pro-life advocates are especially grateful for the efforts of the Catholic bishops of New Mexico who worked in defense of life. In addition to several official statements from the bishops. Abortion Free New Mexico noted the prayer vigil organized by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe in the rotunda of the capitol building. Archbishop John Wester welcomed people of all faiths to join in prayer to ‘move the hearts of the Democrat legislators to oppose pro-death legislation,’ the pro-life group said.”
In addition, we would also like to thank the Republican party of New Mexico. Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement,
“Thank you Chairman Steve Pearce and the Republican Party of New Mexico for your leadership and courageous stand for LIFE during this legislative session. The Republican legislators in both chambers had a 100% voting record in defense of our values! You represented ‘We the People of New Mexico’ well.”

Bud was able to check off something that has been on his bucket list since 2007, joining InfoWars.com as a guest on their global transmission! Info Wars is so influential that their patriot audience is considered the primary reason President Donald Trump got elected! Their unfiltered news broadcast strikes fear into the heart of the globalists that are determined to take down our president and destroy our country and the values we hold so dear. Everyone familiar with Info Wars knows that the guests are what sets them apart from the mainstream media that Trump has labeled “FAKE NEWS!” Bud was able to expose the atrocities of the pro-abortion policies in New Mexico and what can be done to fight back.

Washington, D.C.- On March 19, 2019 Bud Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico joined 9 others in our nations capital in what is known as Red Rose Rescues. Two rescue teams, led by Catholic priests, entered two Washington D.C. abortion facilities Tuesday morning.
Pro-lifers quietly approached mothers scheduled for abortions and offered them red roses as a symbol of life…thus the name “Red Rose Rescue.” Attached to each rose is a card which states: “God is love and he loves you and your unborn baby. Don’t be afraid. Your life circumstances will change and this baby will give you boundless joy… There is help for you and your baby.” The reverse of the card contained phone numbers of local pregnancy help centers. In doing so, each of the pro-lifers risked arrest for trespass. They also prayerfully witnessed to moms, their escorts, the medical workers, and law enforcement who arrived on the scene. Several of the rescuers, including Bud, remained in the facility until arrest, prayerfully standing in solidarity with the babies scheduled to die in that location from abortion.
Rescuers had five hours to minister to couples and to pray fervently inside Washington Surgi-Clinic. Washington Surgi-Clinic is one of 19 abortion facilities in the DC metropolitan area. Also known for providing later abortions, Cesare F. Santangelo, has a history of medical malpractice. Court documents obtained by Operation Rescue showed a 2011 medical malpractice/wrongful death lawsuit filed by the family of a woman who died during an abortion.
Through great sacrifice Fr. Stephen Imbarrato and Lauren Handy were also arrested and spent 5 hours in jail. They were arraigned the next day and will return to D.C. for a court date in May.
Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” This looks different for everyone and for Bud this Red Rose Rescue was a denial of himself as he advocated for the littlest humans, babies in the womb.
Red Rose Rescues serve multiple purposes, to save babies lives by reaching the moms sitting in clinic waiting rooms, to be present in these killing places in solidarity with the babies who will die and the arrests that occur could be challenged up to the Supreme Court and be the catalyst for the highest court in our nation to overturn Roe vs. Wade.
When Roe vs. Wade, the landmark case that decriminalized abortion in our nation, is overturned, performing an abortion in New Mexico becomes a fourth degree felony! It is for this reason that radical leftist democrat legislators in Santa Fe sponsored HB 51. This bill sought to remove New Mexico’s criminal abortion statute, most of which is not currently being enforced because of Roe. However, the existing criminal abortion statute, positions New Mexico to be one of the most pro-life states in the nation. Pro-lifers, especially those in New Mexico, must work to ensure that Roe vs. Wade is overturned so that our state moves from being the late term abortion capital in the nation to a safe haven for the pre-born.
- You can read more about the Personhood Proclamation at ProtestChildKilling.com
Bud Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement,
“In New Mexico it’s currently a fourth degree felony to commit an abortion. When Roe vs. Wade is overturned New Mexico will be one step ahead and the law passed by the New Mexico legislature in 1969 that predated 1973 will go into immediate effect.
That’s why it’s so important for President Donald J. Trump to take direct action and issue the Personhood Proclamation by way of an executive order. This will create a constitutional crisis that we feel is necessary for the Supreme Court to finally step in and reevaluate the indisputable science that establishes that life begins at conception and the abundant case law already on the books all across the country. We feel confidently that especially with the two Supreme Court appointments that President Trump has already put in place or if it drags on and Trump is able to appoint another one or two that Roe will be overturned. Then the implications on New Mexico will be instant.”
Video Message From Bud
He gives a little background of the Red Rose Rescue movement: Why Red Rose Rescue, Why Washington D.C., Why it matters to New Mexico, And a direct message to President Donald J. Trump. You will also see footage just minutes before Bud was arrested.
BACKGROUND: Fr.’s Moscinski and Imbarrato, who led the March 19, 2019 Red Rose Rescues in Washington D.C. have been arrested several times prior, attempting to peacefully save preborn babies from death as have the majority of pro-lifers in today’s activism. Red Rose Rescues began in September 2017. The March 19, 2019 Washington D.C. saving efforts mark more than a dozen in a little over 10 months. Red Rose Rescues are known to have saved numerous babies’ lives from abortion as well as untold numbers of babies who may have been saved because women are not able to keep their appointment when these rescues occur.
Would you like to help us send a Patriotic “Protect the Unborn” lapel pin (that is pictured above) to all 53 legislators who voted “no” to HB 51?
Receiving this lapel pin in the mail will go a long way to remind legislators, some who are now under immense pressure and have experienced backlash, to continue to protect the babies of New Mexico with their vote in defense of LIFE. It will to cost us $300.00 to buy the lapel pins, package and ship them. It will be worth it to see these elected officials wear a token of our appreciation and will serve as a tangible reminder to “Protect the Unborn” during the next legislative session.Donate $5, $25, $50 or $100 to help us send a lapel pin to every New Mexico legislator who voted for life this session. Every gift is tax deductible. Thank you for sowing into an abortion free New Mexico through your prayers, support and by giving to this campaign to help us show our appreciation to our legislators who voted for life.
- For every gift of $25 or more we will send you a complimentary lapel pin as well.
Thank you for standing with us for life!
We are a Christian missionary family serving in Albuquerque, NM. Putting our faith into action, for the past 8 years we have exposed Albuquerque as the late term abortion capital of the nation and have worked to bring accountability to an unregulated abortion industry that is killing children in their mothers wombs up to the day of birth.
In order to be the most effective in our pro-life ministry, we do this important work full time while homeschooling our children and raising them to have a biblical worldview. We rely solely on the provision of the Lord and individuals like you to provide for our daily needs.
We are pursuing and working toward an abortion free New Mexico, where every pre-born child is valued and protected.
We would be blessed to have you partner with us in this ministry. Your prayers and support are invaluable.
*You can schedule a secure monthly or one timetax deductible donation online. Simply selectBud and Tara- Pro-Life Witness from the drop down ministry menu.
Or mail checks made out to Life Ministries U.S. to:
P.O. Box 50351
Albuquerque, NM 87181
Earmark: Pro-Life Pin
*Checks made out to Life Ministries U.S. are tax deductible.
We thank the Lord for you and pray for you. Please feel free to send us your specific prayer requests in the return envelope or by email.
Blessings, Bud and Tara Shaver
Please pray with us for New Mexico

- Thanksgiving that the 1969 New Mexico Criminal Abortion Statute remains on the books. Pray for the 8 democrat senators(6 Catholics) who opposed HB51.

- The closure of New Mexico’s last 5 remaining abortion facilities.

- More awareness in our state, especially in the churches about abortion in our state and what they can do to partner with us to end it.

- Passionate leaders to remain engaged politically and for God to open doors for the next election cycle that godly leaders will be appointed.
“For nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:37
Other ways to sow into an Abortion Free New Mexico
- Tithe a portion of your tax return to our ministry.
- Contact Real Estate for Life when buying or purchasing a home.
- Select Life Ministries US as your charitable organization at smile.Amazon.com
- Share this newsletter with others.
We’re humbled to have you partner with us in our ministry here in New Mexico.
May the Lord bless you and your family. Know that you are always in our prayers.
- Bud on the War Room With Owen Shroyer
- Join us and share our posts on social media @AbortionFreeNM: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
Thank you for standing with us for life and truth!
“Therefore we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth.” (3 John 1:8)
- Click here to donate securely online
- When you sow into our ministry with your tithes and offerings you are investing in an Abortion Free New Mexico.