God Answers Prayer
This January marked the 40th year of legalized abortion in America. While all around us we can see that the side for life is winning, there is still much to be done. We are thankful to serve God in full time pro-life ministry because we know that abortion grieves His heart, forever wounds women and kills babies. Thanks for making our work possible through the powerful and effective prayers of the righteous, your encouragement and financial support!
That being said we had a very busy month. It got started by our first television debut on a New Mexico Christian station. The show was titled, “God Answers Prayer,” and we were allowed to share with those watching how God has moved us into this ministry and how we have been changed as a result. God answered our prayer 5 years ago when we asked him to help us not be apathetic in the face of injustice. We made a commitment to Him and He has remained faithful through the ups and downs of ministry, raising children and growing in our marriage. Please join us this year as we strive to focus more on prayer. We are amazed at what God has done here in New Mexico, what He has plans to do and how we can simply be a small part of His purpose.
This year’s annual Sanctity of Life and Unity Awareness Day in Santa Fe, people came from all across the state to the Capitol to be a witness for Life.
Sanctity of Life Sunday
Bud and I were graciously asked to speak to the youth a St. Therese Parish in Albuquerque on Jan. 20th. After our talk about 50 people prayed in front of the church to be a witness for life in their own community. It is such a privilege to be able to educate the next generation in hopes that they will have a passion for human life and work to bring an end to the injustice of abortion. There’s no better place to educate young people than in their church, unfortunately not all churches are as welcoming. Let’s pray that this year we will see more churches of all denominations become actively pro-life.
Testifying at the Capitol
On January 31st, ( I ) Tara was asked to go to the NM Legislature to testify concerning a bill titled, “A Woman’s Right to Know.” This bill is an informational bill that doesn’t restrict abortion in any way, it simply provides abortion bound women with information to ensure that they know all the facts surrounding abortion. However, even though it doesn’t restrict abortion in any way, those who are pro-abortion vehemently opposed it. I must say that I wasn’t very familiar with the process of going before a committee to testify in hopes that the bill would then leave the committee and go to a vote. I knew that the committee overseeing and ultimately deciding whether the bill would move forward or not was lopsided, being made up of 3 Democrats and 2 Republicans. Each legislative session pro-life bills go before this lopsided committee and are never allowed to be voted on by the Representatives who vote for the people of New Mexico.
On this day I entered the gauntlet surrounded by those who oppose life and promote death through abortion at all costs. This was to be expected, but what was the most discouraging was that those on the committee who decide one way or the other came into the room with their minds made up about the bill. They refused to listen to reason and ultimately refused to protect women who deserve to know exactly what abortion means for them now and in the future should they decide to kill their babies. I am so disgusted that those who represent the people (or are supposed to) are completely clueless as to what is happening in this state, i.e. abortion injuries, medical board hearings, medical malpractice suits against abortionists, unregulated abortion clinics, etc, etc.
It is more clear now than ever that to rely solely on politicians and the political process is not the most productive use of our time in New Mexico. We, through God’s grace and hard work are seeing more accomplished by being faithful at abortion clinics, documenting abortion abuses and ultimately holding those in authority accountable to the never ending shedding of innocent blood in our state. It’s time for the people to represent themselves and become an active member of abolishing abortion one woman, one child, one day at a time.
(We’re thankful to Operation Rescue for equipping us and continuing to work with us here in NM to effectively expose what is happening behind the closed doors of abortion clinics. Read the latest update below regarding the 35 week abortion injury that resulted in a NM Medical Board hearing last November. Please pray about the upcoming Medical Board decision regarding this late term abortionists license on February 7, 2013.)
New Docs Reveal Horrific Details of Botched 35-Week Abortion, Gross Negligence in NM Disciplinary Case
By, Cheryl Sullenger
New documents, including transcripts of a Medical Board disciplinary hearing held in November, 2012, indicate that late-term abortionist Shelley Sella committed four acts of gross negligence during a 35-week abortion on a woman with a history of previous Cesarean Section that resulted in a ruptured uterus.
The documents were released recently by the New Mexico Medical Board in response to an open records request made by Tara Shaver of Project Defending Life. Both Mrs. Shaver and Operation Rescue had filed the original complaints with the NMMB after receiving a 911 recording of a medical emergency that took place at Southwestern Women’s Options, a late-term abortion clinic in Albuquerque, on May 12, 2012. The records also show that it is the position of Sella and her attorney, Joseph Goldberg, that the complaints should not have been considered by the Board due to the fact that pro-life activists filed them.
The NMMB plans to issue a formal “Decision and Order” on the case against Sella on February 7, 2013. Possible discipline ranges from public censure to license revocation.
Also on the agenda is the appointment of a Task Force to amend Board regulations on Complaint Procedures.
“The New Mexico Medical Board should be thanking us for filing these complaints, not devising ways to cut us out of the complaint process based on our deeply held convictions,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue and Pro-Life Nation. “We have uncovered an extremely dangerous abortion practice taking place on a weekly basis that is seriously endangering the lives and health of women. Instead of criticizing us for bringing this to the attention of the Board, they should be grateful that we uncovered the violations during dangerous late-term abortions that fall well below the standard of care.” Read the full report here
“Seek the well being of the city to which I have sent you. Pray for it to the Lord. For in seeking its well being you shall find your own.“ Jeremiah 29:7
Please Pray :
~For an end to abortion in New Mexico.
~For the conversion of every abortion doctor and clinic worker.
~For softened hearts of the women we speak to each day at abortion clinics.
~For the moms who have already chosen life and for the means to continue to serve them.
~For a continued grace filled and Christ centered ministry focus.
~For more opportunities to share the truth about abortion and it’s effects with the Christian community.
~For the Christian community to rise up out of apathy and a spiritual awakening.
~For more workers for this ripe harvest.
~For our safety in this spiritual battle.