By Tara Shaver
Albuquerque, NM- On October 22, 2015 a Congressional whistleblower leaked 11 undercover videos recorded by The Center for Medical Progress to Gotnews.com. This bundle of over four hours of video had been blocked from public release in July after a lawsuit was filed by the National Abortion Federation. This set of videos have members of the New Mexico abortion cartel mentioned throughout.
While many have done their own analysis of this chunk of video footage and everyone who views this footage picks up on different things, I want to hone in on what I observed and took away from the perspective of a pro-life missionary to New Mexico and an activist, who interned with Operation Rescue for over a year.
During our time as intern’s with Operation Rescue and over the past 5 years in Albuquerque New Mexico, now known as the Late-Term Abortion Capital of America, we did a lot of research and undercover investigations of several of the abortionists featured in this footage. While we disagree with the work abortionists do because they murder babies we do agree with the abortionists in these videos when they state that abortion is, “grotesque, it is killing, and it is violent.”
The first set of videos I watched were titled “Fetal Disposition” and were merely a forum to bemoan the increasing legislation regarding disposal of fetal tissue after an abortion. This topic alone strikes fear into the heart of those running abortion mills as they have to figure out what to do with the bodies of their victims.
Isn’t this the problem of every murderer though- “How am I going to get rid of this dead body?”
Three things in particular stuck with me after this segment. The first is the mentality of Northland Family Planning abortion facility owner, Renee Chelian, she talks about her experience exploring disposal options at crematoriums, funeral homes and even comments that it would be great if “fetus'” could be used to produce energy (Fetal Disposition Part 3 at 18:55). How to dispose of aborted baby body parts is an issue for many abortionists which is why Planned Parenthood has been caught selling body parts to biotech companies for research purposes.
Since disposal options in Michigan were not readily available Renee Chilean expresses her overall frustration and desperation when she states in all seriousness that they were tempted to give the dead baby body parts back to the women after their abortions in a “gift bag” to take home and figure out what to do with it. She states (Part 1 at 28:22 into Part 2), “It’s their pregnancy and why is this our problem?” So killing the pre-born child is their “problem” but that’s as far as they feel they should go because disposal legislation is making their job too difficult.
The second statement that stuck with me occurred during the question and answer portion of the segment where Renee Chelian (Fetal Disposition Part 2 at 17:53) sums up the problem with America. “This country doesn’t want to deal with death and dead bodies or tissue.” I think she is right and this is why so many, even among pro-lifers, want to dismiss showing or seeing the victims of abortion and also why many politicians, especially those in New Mexico are consistently turning a blind eye to the murder of pre-born children.
The third thing that was very evident during this discussion is the involvement of Universities in the procurement and use of of aborted baby body parts in research. This is a cause of great concern regarding our own University of New Mexico (UNM) which has a research arm that has most recently announced groundbreaking vaccines that may potentially use aborted fetal cells and or tissue.
All of these discussions were held at National Abortion Federation (NAF) conferences and the history of NAF hits close to home here in Albuquerque as Curtis and Glenna Boyd, owners of Southwestern Women’s Options late term abortion facility, have been involved with NAF since its inception. In fact, Curtis Boyd is a founding member of NAF.
Curtis Boyd who brags about doing illegal “back alley” abortions in the 1960’s…
Also admits that he knows he is killing children!
In April of 2014 when the video titled “2nd Trimester Provider Self Care” was recorded by CMP, Glenna was introduced (Part 2 at 12:49) as Chair of the NAF Board of Directors. This particular video footage is centered around a panel of abortion industry workers, including Glenna, who had been asked to give 2nd trimester abortionists tips on self care and overcoming the stigma that haunts them. These folks do after all dismember human babies for a living, this forum proves that it takes a toll on them.
In addition to the stigma they receive from killing babies, Glenna Boyd also lamented that reporters dared to report on a woman who died from an abortion complication at their Texas facility back in 1980. Several abortionists referenced the higher stigma that they receive as abortionists when a patient dies from an abortion related complication.
Glenna Boyd also spoke about the emotional toll and outrage she experienced due to our tireless efforts working with Operation Rescue to document several abortion related complications at their late-term abortion facility, Southwestern Women’s Options, located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Glenna specifically referenced an article that ran on the front page of the Albuquerque Journal after abortionist Shelley Sella, who works at Southwestern Women’s Options, ruptured the uterus of a woman during a 35 week abortion.
You can read the article from the ABQ Journal here: Late-Term Abortion Debate Turns to ABQ
While the speakers all shared their perceived persecution from pro-lifers, the in fighting of the pro-abortion movement was spoken about as well. Some in the abortion industry feel that Planned Parenthood doesn’t respect independent facilities and thus tries to steal their clientele.
Abortionist Uta Landy also spoke on the panel titled “2nd Trimester Provider Self Care.” Landy recounted an incident by a fellow abortionist about an eyeball falling into their lap during an abortion (Second Trimester Provider Care Part 4 at 9:30). This disturbing account has gotten quite a bit of attention, since the scenario provoked an eruption of laughter and applause. The fact that this all happened during a panel designed to address and attempt to overcome the stigma surrounding abortion really highlights the mindset of individuals who are in the business of killing and how desensitized they are to it. The reason that NAF tried so hard to suppress this footage from being seen by the general public is because they don’t want the world to know that their industry really is just about, death, dead bodies and tissue.
Uta Landy, is the National Director of the Ryan Residency Programs and Family Planning Fellowship of which the University of New Mexico is a member. The mission of the Ryan program is to “integrate and enhance family planning [Abortion] training for obstetrics and gynecology residents in the United States and Canada.”
The University of New Mexico (UNM) is the heart of the abortion cartel in New Mexico. For years myself and Fr. Stephen Imbarrato have met with UNM officials all the way up to the President of the Board of Regents about UNM’s radical abortion agenda with the desire to see their free standing abortion facility closed and their abortion training to be removed.
However, UNM has a deep seated agenda in trying to raise up the next generation of abortionists and this desire is evident by their move to make abortionist Eve Espey the Chair of the OBGYN department. Espey is also mentioned (Second Trimester Provider Care Part 4 at 24:10) during this segment as an asset “who can be perceived as external who can help abortionists to have credibility within their departments.”
Late-term abortionist, Susan Robinson who works at Southwestern Women’s Options in Albuquerque, New Mexico, shared her position with a panel on the “Planned Parenthood Michigan Workshop Video” that is very telling (PP MI Workshop Video at 18:55). Someone previously asked Robinson, “What do you think about conscientious refusal to do abortions?” Her response, “I don’t think people should go into OBGYN if they’re going to refuse to do the most common procedures that OBGYN’s do.” This gives clear indication that Robinson and other New Mexico abortion industry workers have the mindset that there should be no choice for medical students or OBGYN’s to opt out of performing abortions. We have personally been told how the faculty staff at UNM treats students who opt out of abortion training, they are belittled and looked down upon.
These latest videos have given us a glimpse into the heart of the abortion cartel. These people know that they’re killing babies, in fact they revel in it. They know that what we’ve been showing through abortion victim photography and when we say that, “Abortion Kills Children”…it is TRUE. Our country is at a point where we must apply the necessary pressure to stop this needless murder once and for all.
How is it that abortionists can admit that they’re killing human beings in a violent manner and Roe vs. Wade still remains in effect? All the blinders need to come off and, “We the People” have the responsibility to demand an end to this atrocity.
Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, with Priests for Life, who we work closely with in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has a decisive strategy to end pre-born child killing in this nation. Protests leading to a national strike, where we all refuse to go to work or spend any money, bringing the nation to a halt. This decisive strategy has the potential to END abortion outright if enough people embrace it.
The pro-life movement is doing a lot of great and necessary work but all of our great efforts are merely a bandaid and will never end pre-born child killing entirely. Thanks to these leaked videos we can clearly see the mindset of the abortionists and those in the deepest levels of the abortion cartel. Now is the time to protest and to demand that this country and its leaders deal with the death and dead bodies that are piling up in our communities.
For more information about National Protests visit ProtestABQ.com.
Also visit: ProtestChildKilling.com for the full ProLife Protest Manifesto by Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, with Priests for Life and founder of Protest ABQ