By Bud Shaver
Albuquerque, New Mexico-Thank you so much for your continued prayers on our behalf and the love and support you show our family! September proved to be a busy month in spite of the fact that chickenpox worked its way through our house. Glad to have that behind us and we are so thankful that the Lord has made us healthy and given us immune systems to fight off these pathogens. This was just another reminder for us of how evil viruses are and that our God will ultimately rid the world of sickness, death, suffering and all the enemies of humanity! With the arrival of Fall, and the days cool down, we look forward to serving the Lord and saving His children through our missionary efforts.
Thank you for your continued prayers, support and for standing with us in this battle for LIFE.
Your monthly and one time donations enable us to do this life saving work full-time. Click here if you would like to donate securely online. We use Cornerstone Payment Systems as a Christian alternative to Paypal. Also, now offering an e-check option.
“So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you. Come and see what God has done, his awesome deeds for mankind!” (Psalm 66)
This years National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children, held at the only location in New Mexico where aborted babies are buried featured excellent speakers, was well attended by over 50 people and concluded with the announcement of several local Albuquerque candidates who signed Abortion Free New Mexico’s Pro-Life Pledge. Abortion Free New Mexico has worked with Fr. Stephen Imbarrato of Life Ministries U.S., to make this site a place of healing for post abortive women and those who have suffered miscarriages. Several memorial headstones have been placed in honor of these babies at the Sandia Memory Gardens.
- Contact Abortion Free New Mexico if you or someone you know would like to have their baby’s name placed on a memorial headstone.
Photos (below) from the event were featured in a front page, Sunday edition, article by the Santa Fe New Mexican, who had previously interviewed Tara about the recent Texas abortion ban and its impact on New Mexico.
Excerpt from the article,
New Mexico does not have some of the abortion restrictions — such as mandated parental approval for minors or a waiting period — that many other states have.
Tara Shaver, spokeswoman for the anti-abortion organization Abortion Free New Mexico, said she thinks less stringent laws help make New Mexico “the Wild West when it comes to abortion.”
The lack of restrictions “lends our state to being the ‘go to’ place for abortion, especially for women in the surrounding states who are beyond the stage where they can get the procedure in their home state,” she said.
Laws protect people, Shaver said.
“Even if we don’t agree with them, they do serve a purpose,” she said. “It’s not in a woman’s best interest to be encouraged to circumvent her own state’s law to go elsewhere to get a procedure done, to kill a child.”
She said her organization does not judge women who choose to have an abortion but works to provide them with support and resources to get them to reconsider that decision.
- Read the full article: New Mexico abortion clinics see influx from Texas
“A crowd of some 50 abortion opponents turned out to pray at the cemetery in one of over 180 similar services being conducted across the country.” Jim Weber/The New Mexican
Several Albuquerque Candidates Sign Pro-Life Pledge In Conjunction With Nat’l Day of Remembrance
In conjunction with The National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children, Abortion Free New Mexico is pleased to announce the Albuquerque candidates who have signed our Pro-Life Pledge!
Abortion Free New Mexico’s Pro-Life Pledge states:
“I pledge to defend life from conception to natural death. In making and keeping this pledge, I am committed to ending all abortion and all assisted suicide in the state of New Mexico.”
Candidates Committed to Standing For Life
Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement,
“It is encouraging to have so many committed pro-life candidates running for office in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County, which is where we have the highest concentration of abortions in the state. Albuquerque, New Mexico is unfortunately known as the late-term abortion capital of the nation and Abortion Free New Mexico is working to change this horrific reputation by encouraging candidates to stand for life. We must all work to build a culture of life where women, our senior citizens and the medically vulnerable are given life affirming healthcare options.”
The Albuquerque mayoral, city council and school board election will be held on November 2, 2021. Early Voting begins at the city clerks office on October 5th and expands to Early Voting Convenience Centers located across the city October 16, 2021 to October 30, 2021.
The next US Congressional election will be held Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Abortion Free New Mexico Sponsors Off The Cuff ABQ Block Party
Abortion Free New Mexico is a proud sponsor of Off The Cuff ABQ Talk Radio 96.9 FM | 700 AM Monday-Friday | 3-4pm MST. Our ads educate listeners about life issues and ways to be involved. This month we joined Off The Cuff ABQ for their first block party in downtown Albuquerque. It was a blessing to be a part of the event, have a table and to be able to speak.
Sukkot with Olive Tree Messianic Fellowship
Each year Olive Tree Messianic Fellowship graciously allows us to have a table and join them in their final weekend of Sukkot. We educate about the unborn, our ministry efforts and register voters. A big thank you to Olive Tree Messianic Fellowship for having us!
Join Us for Faith to Action Friday this Month (October 1st), 1st Friday of the month
“It only takes an hour to make a lasting difference and have an impact for LIFE. Now more than ever, we need to pray collectively, publicly, and strategically. Our presence has the ability to reform The University of New Mexico – UNM so that they get out of the abortion business!” Bud Shaver, Abortion Free New Mexico
Stand Up For Life in front of the University of New Mexico’s free standing abortion facility.
- Faith to Action Friday: October 1st
- Time: 10-11am
- Location: UNM Center for Reproductive Health (2301 Yale Blvd. SE. in Albuquerque)
- Use street parking on Renard.
- Click here to learn more
We are full-time pro-life missionaries working to make New Mexico Abortion Free.
“Therefore we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth.” (3 John 1:8)
Thank you for standing with us for life and truth!
We are a Christian missionary family serving in Albuquerque, NM. Putting our faith into action, for the past 11 years we have exposed Albuquerque as the late term abortion capital of the nation and have worked to bring accountability to an unregulated abortion industry that is killing children in their mothers wombs up to the day of birth.
In order to be the most effective in our pro-life ministry, we do this important work full time while homeschooling our children and raising them to have a biblical worldview. We rely solely on the provision of the Lord and individuals like you to provide for our daily needs.
Your monthly and one time donations enable us to do this life saving work full-time.
- Click here if you would like to donate securely online.
We use Cornerstone Payment Systems as a Christian alternative to Paypal. Also, now offering an e-check option.
- Thank you for your continued prayers, support and for standing with us in this battle for LIFE.
Other Ways to Bless Our Ministry
- Real Estate For Life: Support Pro-Life Missionaries…At NO Cost to You!
- Amazon Smile: Visit smile.Amazon.com and choose Life Ministries U.S. as your charitable organization and Amazon gives our ministry a percentage of your purchases.