Priests for Life and Abortion Free New Mexico Continue Educational Campaign on Late Term Abortion
Healthy Baby, Carried by Healthy Mother: Perfectly OK to Kill at 22 weeks, abortionist says.
- Report by Priests for Life, the nation’s largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia.
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, released yet another undercover phone call today, made in partnership with Abortion Free New Mexico.
“For the first time in our phone calls, the caller got the abortionist herself on the phone – Josepha Seletz of Pro-Choice Medical Center in Beverly Hills, CA. This abortionist made it crystal clear that she is willing to kill healthy babies of healthy mothers at 22 weeks of pregnancy,” Fr. Pavone pointed out. “This is what we are trying to show our fellow citizens, because so many are convinced that later abortions can only be done in medically complicated pregnancies. The truth is far different, and far more disturbing.”
Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico said, “Over the course of this investigation, exposing late term abortion across America, the abortion industry itself has revealed to the American people the truth about their grisly business. The receptionist at Pro-Choice Medical in Beverly Hills, CA disclosed that abortions performed at 20 weeks of pregnancy and beyond are considered to be ‘late term’.
“In this newest undercover call, the abortionist at Pro-Choice Medical, Josepha Seletz, discusses her willingness to kill a perfectly healthy baby at 22 weeks gestation with no qualms. She even admits that, ‘our fees are more than the other clinics,’ for an abortion at her posh Beverly Hills abortuary. Seletz charges top dollar, $6,000 which is double what this investigation has found the national average for an abortion at 22 weeks of pregnancy to be. All across the country, from California to Washington D.C., late term abortions are being performed on healthy mothers carrying healthy babies.
“Science has proven that babies who are at least 20 weeks in utero can feel pain and modern day technology has advanced to a point where these babies can receive life saving care. The laws of this nation are antiquated and are not sufficiently protecting the most vulnerable in our society; now is the time for Congress to enact laws that reflect scientific and medical progress and to protect these babies.”
Citizens have an opportunity now to protect these babies by urging the US Senate to pass S. 1922, the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. See www.StopAbortionNow.org for details.
- Previous phone calls can be heard at www.PriestsForLife.org/LateTermAbortion.
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