Dear Pro-Life Friend,
This month a University of New Mexico (UNM) insider shared an email with us from Paul Roth, Executive Vice President and CEO of UNM Health System that sheds light on his apparent deplorable management of the UNM Health System.
This leak came days after a video recording of Paul Roth admitting to UNM faculty dissecting aborted baby brains during a summer youth workshop that was captured by a local pro-life advocate. This video has sent shockwaves through the pro-life community and has even penetrated the hearts of average Americans because of the callous disregard Roth displays on the video.
The UNM whistleblower revealed Paul Roth’s desperate attempt to do damage control when he sent an email to Health System Leaders summarizing extremely low rankings the hospital has been given.
Our informant, an insider at UNM came to us out of frustration and to reiterate what we have been saying for years, “Dr. Paul Roth is not running the hospital very well. Roth should be fired for how poorly UNMH is doing as a hospital.”
Read the full report: UNM Insider Reveals Paul Roth’s Deplorable Leadership
God continues to work in our midst, to show that UNM as a whole is so deeply entrenched in the culture of death. Like Planned Parenthood and every other entity killing babies, they have no redeeming quality until they stop the shedding of innocent blood.
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement as we move forward everyday out of obedience to God and a love for our neighbors born and pre-born.
And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love. 2 John 1:6
UNM Performs Incomplete Abortion- Results in Inpatient Admission
A second confidential informant came forward this month with information about a 27 year old woman who suffered an incomplete abortion at the University of New Mexico Center for Reproductive Health (UNMCRH) abortion facility.
The next day this woman was admitted to UNM Hospital with an elevated white blood cell count, rapid heart beat, fever and abdominal pain.
According to the Mayo Clinic’s website, Patient “A” exhibited symptoms that warrant a sepsis diagnosis.
Despite the fact that this patient had a compromised immune system UNMCRH placed performing the abortion above Patient A’s overall health and well being.
The abortion was completed, an IUD was inserted and the patient was sent on her way. She inevitably ended up in the hospital where she spent 5 days and required a D&C to remove what was left inside of her, her baby’s remains.
Read the report by Operation Rescue here: Incomplete Abortion on Sick Woman at UNM Abortion Biz Puts Her in Hospital for 5 Days
Planned Parenthood thrives off of their generous supporters, we thrive off of your prayers and faithful support!
Thank YOU for standing with us, for your prayers and for making our pro-life efforts in New Mexico possible! Recurring and tax deductible donations can be made online HERE
Battle of the Billboards
Planned Parenthood is Really Getting Desperate
Planned Parenthood has purchased a billboard that is strategically placed right before the overpass where we protest each week. This location is also in the vicinity of two strip clubs.The fact that they have made this purchase between $5,000-$15,000 is nothing less than confirmation that our overpass protest presence is effective and that they are desperate.
Their sterile looking billboard seen above shows their desperation, but what are they desperate for? They claim to be a legitimate healthcare provider yet they are not seeking clients with a list of services they provide, nor are they focusing on reaching the women that they claim so desperately need and want to kill their babies. Instead they are asking for your money. Pro-life billboards aim to educate about human life and offer assistance to pregnant women, our movement is truly concerned for people, not a profit. In contrast, Planned Parenthood is more concerned about lining their own pockets than they are about helping and truly caring for women. Please join us in praying that those driving by see the truth about where Planned Parenthood stands and what their priority is.
More here: Battle of the Billboards
The abortion industry uses lies and deceptive rhetoric…Protest ABQ exposes their lies with the light of the truth.
Love in Christ, The Shaver Family
“Seek the well being of the city to which I have sent you. Pray for it to the Lord. For in seeking its well being you shall find your own.“ Jeremiah 29:7