By Bud Shaver,
Albuquerque, New Mexico- On January 27th, Abortion Free New Mexico volunteers along with our local Love Life Mentor witnessed a mother choose life at the Alamo Women’s abortion center. She was loved on and served, on her way to the airport and has been connected with resources in her hometown. Praise God for this partnership on the sidewalk and for this mom whose heart was open to life. Please pray for her!
Read Karen’s Testimony:
“The Lord gave me the privilege to meet a Mom from Houston- my hometown 🙂 this morning after she walked out of the Alamo Womens Clinic and chose life. She was with her cousin and they were going to walk to McDonalds to wait for an Uber ride back to the airport. A fellow Abortion Free NM volunteer on the sidewalk immediately gave me a blessing box full of goodies and a TX resource guide for this Mom!
I offered to take them to lunch and the airport to find out her needs and how we could support her. There are many physical needs, but I know the greatest need she has is to sincerely know the love of Christ, have a mentor walk alongside her and a church home to adopt her in this journey. She was open to the idea of a mentor helping her along for a year. Within minutes, I had resources from Love Life ABQ for a House of Refuge church and mentor in Houston. I was able to speak to that church today and also refer her to Care Net NW Houston for resources.
What a joy to send her off at the airport with prayer, hugs and all the resources she needs to thrive back home. I hope to stay in touch and am beyond excited to watch how God abundantly provides for this precious Momma and her 8 week baby. I am rejoicing and so thankful for the body of Christ and all the organizations in NM that are unified and fighting so hard for life. They are not just saving physical lives, but also committed to clearly keeping the gospel at the center of that effort. Two lives were richly and eternally blessed today because of all of your prayers and faithfulness. All glory to God for the powerful & good ways He is moving through you in our city! 1 Corinthians 3:6-11″
“Praise God for this collaborative effort on the sidewalk. Lives are spared when we walk in unity together. May more hearts and minds be open to life and to the Lord this year as our volunteers go out daily to the darkest places in our communities, abortion facilities,” stated Tara Shaver, spokeswoman for Abortion Free New Mexico.