Dear Friends,
This month has been very eventful and productive. We have been working very hard on several projects including a collaboration with Priests for Life to expose late term abortion across the nation. We are finishing 2017 strong!
This month we released Part 5 of a 6 Part Series exposing the New Mexico Abortion Cartel… (NEW VIDEO) COHORTS OF DEATH: UNDERCOVER AT 37 WEEKS EXPOSES UNM LATE TERM ABORTION COLLUSION
This was the latest installment documenting the abortion landscape in New Mexico and a continuation of Abortion Free New Mexico’s exposure of the radical abortion agenda at The University of New Mexico – UNM. Our latest undercover project has taken viewers inside the notorious Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO) late term abortion facility, the investigation has also uncovered that the University of New Mexico (UNM), a publicly funded institution, is willing to collude with late term abortionists to deliver dead babies at UNM Hospital once a deadly injection is administered by abortionists at SWO. In an undercover phone call placed to the Women’s and Children’s Health Care Clinic at UNM Hospital, Tara confirmed the fact that, Lily Bayat a UNM Fellow at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center would deliver the dead baby at UNM Hospital after Southwestern Women’s Options administered the lethal injection…
“Abortion Free New Mexico continues to expose just how deep the collusion is between the University of New Mexico and Southwestern Women’s Options to ensure that late term abortions continue up to the day of birth,” stated Tara Shaver
ACTION ITEM: Abortion Free New Mexico is asking that you contact the University of New Mexico Regents and respectfully ask them to STOP ALLOWING ABORTIONISTS AT UNM HOSPITAL TO PROMOTE AND PERFORM LATE TERM ABORTIONS AT THE EXPENSE OF NEW MEXICO TAX DOLLARS.
In addition, respectfully ask them to PERMANENTLY cut all ties with Planned Parenthood of New Mexico and Southwestern Women’s Options.
PLEASE Contact the UNM Board of Regents:
- Phone: (505) 277 7639
- Email: regents@unm.edu
- In addition, this month we continued to work with Priests for Life, the largest Catholic Pro-Life organization on the globe…
Abortion Clinic Schedules Appointment for Healthy Mother to Abort Healthy Baby at 32 weeks
Priests for Life undercover calls continue to reveal what most Americans reject…
Excerpt from Priest for Life’s report,
The undercover call was carried out with the assistance of Abortion Free New Mexico. Tara Shaver, who represents that organization, stated, “This undercover investigation reveals that Abortionist Warren Hern in Boulder, Colorado is willing to perform an abortion at 32 weeks of pregnancy for $25,000 with virtually no questions asked. Late term abortions have no place in a civilized society, yet in America they are performed on healthy women carrying healthy babies all across this nation. This should be a wake up call for Americans who refuse to believe that this is happening.”
The call was the eighth in a series of calls that Priests for Life will continue to commission across the nation. The previous calls so far were made to the Southwestern Women’s Options clinic in Albuquerque, NM, where our callers successfully made abortion appointments at 25, 30, and even 33 weeks.
- Read the full report at PriestsForLife.org
- One New Now coverage: Undercover call exposes late-term abortions
- CLICK HERE: Help us expose the reality of late-term abortion of healthy babies of healthy mothers!
(Left, Mother and Son saved from abortion as Bud ministered outside local abortion center. Right, baby girl born in August of this year after we assisted her mother who was homeless.)
Pro-Life ministry is about saving babies lives by revealing the light and love of Christ to their mothers in their darkest hour, when it seems to them that an abortion is their only option.
There are many ways to save the lives of pre-born children, and for four years of our ministry here in Albuquerque we ministered to women seeking abortions at local abortion centers.
This month we were reminded of what our ministry is all about when God brought two mothers, that we have helped over the years, back into our lives.
Only the Lord knows just how many lives are saved when Christians are faithfully present at these places of death but there is nothing more beautiful than to see the fruit of your labor when visited by the moms who chose life because of your presence. We continue to be blessed by still receiving phone calls and emails from mothers in need and also encouraging thank you’s from moms that we have had the privilege of ministering to over the past 7 years.
- Read the testimonies from this past month here: She Hitchhiked…?
Tara had the privilege of presenting awards to two high school students that participated in the 27th Annual Christian Heritage Speech Competition. We assigned the 11th grade topic which was “How to make your community Abortion Free?” These students did an amazing job at honing in on some really important things we can do to make our communities abortion free.
- January is Sanctity of Life Month and we’d like to spend it with you! Now more than ever the church must be educated and active in the battle for life. If you would like us to come set up a table or speak at your church, please contact us so that we can get your church on our calendar in January.
- We thank you for your prayers, encouragement and support of our pro-life ministry and our family.
- Your support has enabled us to serve the Lord faithfully here in New Mexico and work to save the lives of precious pre-born babies and their mothers from abortion.
We’ve been working hard to expose the New Mexico abortion cartel… Prayerfully consider a one-time year end tax deductible donation so we can finish 2017 strong!
As full time Pro-Life Missionaries we are funded by everyday people like you. Help us continue to stand for life and expose the abortion industry in New Mexico by donating securely online here or by sending a tax-deductible check made out to: “Life Ministries U.S.” P.O. Box 50351, Albuquerque, NM 87181
- You may also schedule a convenient monthly donation here.
Thank you for your prayers and support on behalf of our ministry and our family. We love you all and keep you in our prayers.