“Our family attended a fundraiser for Janice Arnold-Jones who is running for Congress (District 1) to represent New Mexicans in the U.S. House of Representatives. She shared with us that this year’s lineup of candidates is like no other that New Mexico has seen before. She assured those in attendance of her pro-life position and belief that life begins at conception. She also has practical strategies to enact common sense measures including supporting a late term abortion ban at 20 weeks of pregnancy.” Tara Shaver, Abortion Free New Mexico
- For more information visit: JaniceForCongress2018.com
This Saturday, August 18th, Republicans will be going Door-to-Door in Albuquerque.
- Join us at 8:30am this Saturday for Coffee, Donuts, and Bottled Water at:
- 12405 Eagle Rock Ave. NE Albuquerque, NM
- Afterwards join us for Lunch at 12pm at 12405 Eagle Rock Ave. NE.
If walking isn’t your thing, there are other important ways you can volunteer! You can make calls from our office, just sign up and schedule a time that works for you.
To help with Michelle Garcia Holmes or Steve Pearce’s campaign see contact information below.
- To further help with Michelle Garcia Holmes campaign visit: LTgov2018.com
- To further help with Steve Pearce’s campaign contact: joaquin@pearcefornm.com
- For more information visit: pearcefornm.com