By Bud Shaver,
Albuquerque, New Mexico- Abortion Free New Mexico is excited to share that the mother, from Cuba seeking asylum in our country, who chose life for her baby and returned to Texas has delivered a beautiful and healthy baby girl! This is the first baby born in 2024 who was spared from abortion when local sidewalk counselors were present to offer hope and help to this immigrant couple from the Republic of Cuba.

For months, Abortion Free New Mexico has partnered with several ministries in Texas to provide groceries, baby items, rent, furniture, dishes and gift cards to this family. It truly has been a collective effort and a powerful example of Christ’s love to this very special mom. Abortion Free New Mexico plans to continue to support this family, through the Life Fund, until they reach financial stability. Thank you to everyone who has given so sacrificially to meet the needs of courageous moms that choose life.

Prayer Rally & March hosted by Concerned Women for America
It is on Friday, January 26th from 12:00-2:00pm in the Rotunda at the capitol. While this prayer rally will not only focus on the life issues, we will be praying over life and recognizing the pro-life organizations who are present.
- Free parking is available Monday through Friday at 420 Galisteo St.
Click here for a map.
You’re Invited!