By Bud Shaver,
Albuquerque, New Mexico- On May 14, Abortion Free New Mexico visited La Cueva high school with the message that life is precious and worthy of protecting. In this affluent neighborhood our team was met with disrespect by several young men who were abortion supporters and a few young women who stopped to ask about abortion in the case of rape. Our team addressed the reasons why abortions should not be allowable even in cases of rape, the fact that both mom and baby are victims of the rape and having an abortion doesn’t undo the rape to name just two. We were also able to share with the young men nearby that abortion after rape protects the rapist when they should be the one criminalized.
On this day, the mother of a student (in the video below) decided to draw more attention to our presence by trying to censor our message.
She did everything she could to block one of our signs, the one showing an abortion victim. When we tried to find out why she would want to block the truth about abortion she refused to dialogue with us. Afterward our team gathered around with this lady still in our midst and we prayed for her. We prayed for her repentance and healing from any involvement in a previous abortion or involvement in another persons abortion. We have learned over the years that it is those who have been profoundly affected by abortion that lash out at us or try to prevent others from being educated about the reality of abortion.
HUGE SUCCESS: Pro-Life Rummage Sale

(Ministry happens anywhere! Yes, even at our Pro-Life Rummage Sale, hosted at Providence Presbyterian Church.)
On May 18th, Abortion Free New Mexico hosted its first Rummage Sale for Life to raise funds for The Life Fund which provides emergent financial support to pregnant mothers. The sale was a labor of love that culminated into a very successful event. The ministry raised over $2,000 and had countless opportunities to share local pro-life resources with members of the community.
The team also was able to minister to a woman who is battling loneliness and other issues in her life. She was prayed for and encouraged to attend a Bible study and Sunday services at the church where the sale was held.
A special thanks to Providence Presbyterian Church for hosting the Rummage Sale for Life, all of the volunteers that donated their time and to all who donated items.
“Ministry happens anywhere that we make ourselves available. So many are battling different things in their lives, it could be a past abortion, an unwanted divorce or separation, addiction or simply feeling alone in this world. It was a blessing to be able to bring light into our community at the Rummage Sale for Life, while working together to spread the message that there is hope and help for pregnant women considering an abortion,” stated Tara Shaver.

Join us for an afternoon of fellowship and food as we reconnect just in time for summer. RSVP is required where you can also sign up for a dish to share. We are also asking you to bring a box of size 1 or 2 diapers if you are able.