(July 17, 2015- Protest/Press Conference Calling for a Statewide Investigation into Baby Body Parts Harvesting in New Mexico)
By Tara Shaver
Washington D.C. – Operation Rescue reports that the U.S. House Panel on Infant Lives announced yesterday that it is voting tomorrow Wednesday, September 21, 2016 to release a May 11, 2016 deposition resulting from their investigation of the University of New Mexico – UNM.
Back on June 23, 2016 the Select Panel issued a criminal referral to New Mexico Attorney General, Hector Balderas recommending that his office investigate potential violations of New Mexico law stemming from the partnership between the University of New Mexico and Southwestern Women’s Options (SWWO). Protest ABQ filed a formal criminal complaint with the Attorney General’s office over a year ago based on a SWWO consent form that Tara Shaver obtained revealing that SWWO was utilizing the babies body parts that they killed for medical research. It was revealed during the course of the U.S. House Panels investigation that SWWO was the sole provider of baby body parts for UNM’s inhumane and possibly illegal experimental research.
Well over a year later, we have yet to be given any answers…
Please pray that we can finally start receiving some answers on Wednesday!
The U.S. Select Panel will also vote on Wednesday for contempt charges to be brought against StemExpress and its owner, Cate Dyer. Read more about these breaking developments here: StemExpress Faces Contempt Charges in Move to Halt Stonewalling of Subpoenaed Records
The Select Panel will meet Wednesday, September 21, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. ET in HVC-210 at the United States Capitol. A live stream of the meeting and links to the documents will be available at this link.
Also, the National Catholic Register published a timely comprehensive report: “Congressional Investigation Documents University of New Mexico’s Use of Aborted Fetal Tissue: According to the report, university and state officials do not appear to be addressing the matter.”
Here is an excerpt from the National Catholic Register: “This has been a collective effort that has been building for years. The [Center for Medical Progress] CMP videos were really the true spark that lit this fire,” said Fr. Stephen Imbarrato: The Protest Priest, a pastoral staff member at Priests for Life who founded Protest ABQ. Father Imbarrato, [Tara] Shaver and others told the Register that pro-life leaders have been investigating the the University of New Mexico for several years. During that time, they said university officials stonewalled their public-information requests, even writing to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe to complain about their pro-life activities.
“Ultimately, it’s in God’s hands,” [Tara] Shaver said. “Despite the corruption and apathy in our state, we’re very appreciative for the select panel for taking an interest in what’s happening here. Unfortunately, most of our leaders and lawmakers really don’t care.” Continue reading
RELATED: New Mexico Baby Body Parts Scandal Timeline Recap