By Bud Shaver,
Albuquerque, New Mexico- We are committed to unity and working alongside groups and individuals who share our shared values and who are working toward the goal of making New Mexico thrive.
Abortion Free New Mexico is not a political organization, but we understand the important role of politics in our country to enact justice and protect innocent life! Our leaders matter. Their policies shape our state and country. So it is important in our form of government to elect leaders who best share our values!
We are partners with Better Together New Mexico, see their email below.

Today is the day! It is the day we have been looking for that can change the trajectory of our state and nation.
Remember the 2023 legislative session that took away parental rights? It was the state’s progressive majority who voted for a law that allows a child of any age to get an abortion or transition to another gender – without their parent’s knowledge or consent!
Those people are on this year’s ballot and many of them have an opponent.
And if they voted for that atrocious bill, you can rest assured they are also voting to raise our taxes and take other rights away from us.
This is our opportunity to elect people who will respect all of us and our rights.
It’s our opportunity to vote for or against retaining judges who are putting criminals back on the street to terrorize us and bring harm.
We don’t have to live like this! Our vote is our voice and every vote matters greatly.
If you have not voted, please take this decision seriously and exercise your rights to select our leadership. You can get valuable insight into candidates, Constitutional Amendment, Bond issues and much more here: 2024 Election Information.If you have already voted – thank you for understanding how critical this election is!
Please help others to understand the importance of their vote and help them get to the polls.This is our time! Let’s make the best use of it and make sure our vote is counted.
For New Mexico,
Carla Sonntag
President, Better Together New Mexico
- Your voter registration information
- Your voting locations
- Your sample ballot
- Your absentee application and ballot status
- Your county clerk’s contact information