December 21, 2024

The Calvary Has Arrived!

ABQ Connect

Calvary Chapel of Albuquerque is the largest Christian church (by attendance) in New Mexico and is one of only two Mega-Churches (of the top 100 churches by attendance) in the entire country with a designated Pro-Life ministry with a Pastor over the ministry.

Here Pastor Eric Lamb shares his vision and motivation behind the Pro-Life Movement “9 Months” at Calvary ABQ

Calvary Chapel ABQ in New Mexico is stepping up in a big way. This movement is bigger than Calvary Chapel ABQ and must be achieved by the Christian community standing together and utilizing our collective resources to oppose the injustice of abortion and minister to the women and couples in need.

KNKT 40 Days For Life, ABQ

On October 31st, one of Calvary’s designated days to pray at Planned Parenthood about 30 people came to stand for life. Calvary of ABQ also has their own Christian radio station 107.1 KNKT, and Peter Benson who hosts ABQ Connect aired his show on location at Planned Parenthood on October 31st and interviewed Pastor Eric Lamb, Bud Shaver, Phil Leahy along with some other local pro-life organizations including: Project Defending Life, Care Net, Birthright, New Mexico Right to Life, and Aspen Project-an adoption agency.

This is a glimpse of the hour long broadcast. In this 9 min video excerpt Peter Benson interviews Pastor Lamb, Bud Shaver and Phil Leahy during the Fall 40 Days for Life campaign at Planned Parenthood. A special thanks to Jesse for his latest video!

Listen to the entire (1 hour) show here: (Click on 10/31/2012 ABQ Connect)

Here are some other encouraging and inspiring things that Calvary Chapel of Albuquerque is doing to defend life.

Calvary Chapel ABQ To Hold Pro-Life Classes – What Is Your Church Doing?

Massive Pro-Life Event At Calvary Chapel With “180″ And Ray Comfort


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