SOLAUD 2012 (Sanctity of Life Awareness and Unity Day)
Please Join us in Santa Fe:
Wednesday January 18th, 2012 Santa Fe New Mexico (regardless of weather)- Plaza Park is located at 63 Lincoln Ave in Santa Fe.
8:00 am: Free Continental Breakfast sponsored by Knights of Columbus; Crispin Hall behind Cathedral till 11:00 am
10:00-11:00am: Plaza Park- music, witness, and talks.
11:00am-12:00 Noon: Plaza Park-Post Abortive Men and Women Testimonies, Praise and Worship.
12:00 Noon-1:15 pm: 3 Bishop Mass at the Cathedral- And at Plaza Park-Keynote Speakers, Pastor Eric Lamb (Calvary of Albuquerque) and Rep. Alonzo Baldonado.
1:30 pm: Procession fromĀ Plaza Park to Roundhouse
2:30 pm: Rally at Roundhouse with bishops, pastors, and other speakers
3:00 pm: Visits to legislative offices in Roundhouse