Press Release
For Immediate Release
In the state of New Mexico late term abortions are legal up to the ninth month of pregnancy. These abortions are, in fact, being performed in the city of Albuquerque each week on women who come from all across the nation to obtain them.
The citizens of Albuquerque are deeply concerned about the safety of women seeking abortions beyond 20 weeks, which according to late term abortionist Curtis Boyd’s, owner of Southwestern Women’s Options, informed consent paperwork are more dangerous than carrying the pregnancy to term.
All across the nation and most recently in Texas the issue of fetal pain has come to the surface for all to examine. Neurologist Paul Ranalli states that, “At 20 weeks, the fetal brain has the full complement of brain cells present in adulthood, ready and waiting to receive pain signals from the body, and their electrical activity can be recorded by standard electroencephalography (EEG).”
The citizens of Albuquerque want these pain capable unborn children to be protected as a result of this initiative and will be seeking to obtain the required signatures over the next month to ensure that this ordinance is put on the Albuquerque October election ballot.