Abortion Free New Mexico concludes our 6 Part Series exposing the New Mexico Abortion Cartel
- Part 1: Abortion Landscape Shift in New Mexico Since 2010
- Part 2: Planned Parenthood of New Mexico is on Life Support
- Part 3: Santa Teresa, NM: No Parent, No Problem 15 y/o TX Minor Obtains Abortion
- Part 4: Late Term Abortionists Arbitrarily Choose Who Lives and Dies in New Mexico
- Part 6: An Abortion Free New Mexico is the Goal
By Bud Shaver
Albuquerque, NM- In 2017 Abortion Free New Mexico has documented the Abortion Landscape Shift in New Mexico since 2010, in parts 1-5 of this series. These reports have highlighted how the abortion cartel is in full retreat and that their plans of expansion throughout New Mexico have been stifled. Abortion Free New Mexico has a watchful eye on the entire state’s abortion facilities and has plans to continue working to systematically see that these facilities close down until New Mexico is an abortion free state.
There are five abortion facilities in New Mexico. Only three of these abortion facilities perform surgical abortions in the state and all three are located in Albuquerque. Each of the Albuquerque abortion facilities are currently under investigation because of the research and formal complaints filed by Abortion Free New Mexico:
- Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO)– Southwestern Women’s Options is the nations most notorious late term abortion facility and is owned by Curtis Boyd. Curtis Boyd admits to being an illegal abortionist prior to Roe v. Wade. SWO is currently under investigation by New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas after a formal complaint was filed by Tara Shaver in July 2015. Thanks to Congressman Steve Pearce, the Department of Justice recently confirmed that SWO is now under review by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Abortion Free New Mexico also filed an additional formal complaint, this month, with the New Mexico Medical Board regarding the abortion related death of an Albuquerque resident during her 24 week abortion procedure performed by Curtis Boyd. Read the full report on SWO here: Part 4: Late Term Abortionists Arbitrarily Choose Who Lives and Dies in New Mexico
- University of New Mexico (UNM)– The University of New Mexico has an entrenched radical pro-abortion agenda that Abortion Free New Mexico has been exposing for years. They have now found themselves under review by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for their collaboration with Southwestern Women’s Options and the use of aborted baby remains. Earlier this year Abortion Free New Mexico documented UNM’s willingness to perform late term abortions in their state funded hospital in continued collaboration with SWO. They still operate a free standing abortion facility and train student residents to perform abortions through the Ryan Residency Training program. Read the full report here: Part 5: (VIDEO) COHORTS OF DEATH: UNDERCOVER AT 37 WEEKS EXPOSES UNM LATE TERM ABORTION COLLUSION
- Planned Parenthood of New Mexico– In April 2016, a New Mexico Nursing Board complaint was filed by Tara Shaver against Planned Parenthood abortionist, Vivianne Clark. Tara discovered that Clark, a nurse practitioner, was performing illegal abortions up to 24 weeks of pregnancy in Albuquerque. New Mexico law requires that only licensed physicians can perform surgical abortions. The outcome of the Nursing Board’s investigation should come in the Spring of 2018. Clark also performs medical abortions in Santa Fe, NM. Planned Parenthood of New Mexico is currently struggling to keep an abortionist on staff, in Albuquerque, that is willing to kill babies beyond 10 weeks of pregnancy. Read the full report here: Part 2: Planned Parenthood of New Mexico is on Life Support
In addition, Abortion Free New Mexico exposed Hill Top Women’s Reproductive Clinic, the fifth abortion facility in the state which is located in eastern New Mexico near the Texas border. Hill Top has a second abortion facility in El Paso, TX. In a recorded undercover phone call to Hill Top, Abortion Free New Mexico was able to demonstrate how its Texas location is using New Mexico’s lack of abortion laws to evade Texas abortion limitations. Minors are regularly referred to Hill Top’s facility in New Mexico to obtain their abortions without parental consent. Hill Top also boasts that there is no 24 hour waiting period in New Mexico to draw Texas patients across the border for same day abortions. Read the full report here: Part 3: Santa Teresa, NM: No Parent, No Problem 15 y/o TX Minor Obtains Abortion
Abortion Free New Mexico will be launching a public awareness campaign to further expose Abortionist Franz Theard in 2018…
- The abortion cartel in New Mexico has many weaknesses which Abortion Free New Mexico will hone in on in the new year, 2018.