Abortion Free New Mexico introduces Part 2 of a 6 Part Series exposing the NM Abortion Cartel
- Part 1: Abortion Landscape Shift in New Mexico Since 2010
- Part 2: Planned Parenthood of New Mexico is on Life Support
- Part 3: Santa Teresa, NM: No Parent, No Problem 15 y/o TX Minor Obtains Abortion
- Part 4: Late Term Abortionists Arbitrarily Choose Who Lives and Dies in New Mexico
- Part 6: An Abortion Free New Mexico is the Goal
By Bud Shaver
Albuquerque, NM- In Part 1 of Abortion Free New Mexico’s series documenting the Abortion Landscape Shift in New Mexico, the report highlighted how the abortion cartel is in full retreat and that their plans of expansion have been stifled. In part 2 of this series AFNM will reveal how Planned Parenthood is facing a crisis of their own in New Mexico.
Planned Parenthood NM Closing Three Referral Clinics
According to a breaking report by KOAT,
“Three out of New Mexico’s six clinic locations will close in September, according to Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains Chief Experience Officer Adrienne Mansanares. ‘We are making some difficult decisions about the best way to stay in New Mexico into the future,’ Mansanares said.The clinics in Farmington, Rio Rancho, and Nob Hill in Albuquerque will close.”
These three Planned Parenthood locations are referral centers that provide contraceptives, the morning after pill and abortion referrals.
UPDATED: Tara Shaver, spokeswoman for Abortion Free New Mexico, said Thursday that she feels the national funding conversation could be contributing to the closures.
“It all kind of makes sense to us when we look at the climate change … under President Trump,” she said. “This is a step in the right direction for building a culture of life in New Mexico.” Read the full report from the Albuquerque Journal: Planned Parenthood to close 3 clinics in northern NM
Related: Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains Statement on Health Center Closures
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico Has No Legitimate Abortionist on Staff
In an undercover call placed to the last remaining Planned Parenthood in New Mexico providing surgical abortions which is located in Albuquerque, the caller was informed that typically this location does provide abortions up to 18 weeks but that they are currently not offering surgical abortions since they are struggling to keep an abortionist on staff.
Their lack of an abortion provider could be the result of a New Mexico Nursing Board complaint filed in 2016 by Abortion Free New Mexico’s Tara Shaver based on state medicaid data showing that Nurse Practitioner Vivianne Clark was paid by New Mexico medicaid for performing abortions between 17-24 weeks, which is illegal for a non-physician to do in New Mexico. The second part of the undercover video reveals that Clark continues to provide medical RU486 abortions in Santa Fe despite being under investigation.
AFNM has long suspected that Santa Fe Planned Parenthood Nurse Practitioner, Vivianne Clark, is the primary abortionist in Albuquerque. While we wait for the result from the New Mexico Nursing Board investigation, we are hopeful that in the meantime this complaint has halted Clark’s potential illegal activity.
Listen to the undercover call: Planned Parenthood of New Mexico is on Life Support
Another key factor that is possibly hampering Planned Parenthood’s ability to keep an abortionist on staff is directly linked to the Center for Medical Progress’s (CMP) videos that exposed the true nature of Planned Parenthood’s abortion business. Legitimate physicians simply aren’t willing to work for Planned Parenthood.
An additional result of the CMP videos was local and national protests calling for the defunding of the abortion giant. This has ultimately been the catalyst for the momentum we are now witnessing and has culminated with President Donald J. Trump recently signing an executive order giving states the ability to defund Planned Parenthood locally.
According to Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Vice President of Operation Rescue, “Planned Parenthood is in a panic to reorganize as their federal funding dries up. They must jettison their centers that aren’t making money. For Planned Parenthood, abortion, and the money it produces, is their number-one priority.”
While much of what we see regarding the shift in New Mexico’s abortion landscape is good news, we must remain vigilant. Fr. Stephen Imbarrato reflects upon a national trend that he has witnessed in his national ministry with Priests for Life, “It is important to understand that Planned Parenthood’s operational strategy all over the country has been to consolidate its operations and build state or regional megacenters. We will be researching and monitoring what next step Planned Parenthood is planning here in New Mexico.”
RELATED: Part 1: Abortion Landscape Shift in New Mexico Since 2010