By Tara Shaver,
Albuquerque, NM.- After five hours ministering to couples and praying fervently inside a Washington D.C. surgical abortion facility Bud Shaver, Fr. Stephen Imbarrato and Lauren Handy were arrested and spent 5 hours in jail. They were arraigned the next day and will return to D.C. for a court date in May.
Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”
This looks different for everyone and for Bud this Red Rose Rescue was a denial of himself as he advocated for the littlest humans, babies in the womb. See below a video update from Bud and thank you for your encouragement and prayers for our family, New Mexico and our nation.
Bud Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement,
“In New Mexico it’s currently a fourth degree felony to commit an abortion. When Roe vs. Wade is overturned New Mexico will be one step ahead and the law passed by the New Mexico legislature in 1969 that predated 1973 will go into immediate effect. That’s why it’s so important for President Donald J. Trump to take direct action and issue the Personhood Proclamation by way of an executive order. This will create a constitutional crisis that we feel is necessary for the Supreme Court to finally step in and reevaluate the indisputable science that establishes that life begins at conception and the abundant case law already on the books all across the country. We feel confidently that especially with the two Supreme Court appointments that President Trump has already put in place or if it drags on and Trump is able to appoint another one or two that Roe will be overturned. Then the implications on New Mexico will be instant.”
President Donald J. Trump you can read more about the Personhood Proclamation at ProtestChildKilling.com
Video message from Bud.
Bud gives a little background of the Red Rose Rescue movement:
- Why Red Rose Rescue
- Why Washington D.C.
- Why it matters to New Mexico
- And a direct message to President Donald J. Trump
This Update also includes video footage inside Washington Surgi-Center of the final moments interacting with Washington D.C. police before the arrest of Bud Shaver, Fr. Stephen Imbarrato director of Life Ministries U.S. and Lauren Handy ofMercy Missions D.C.
Thank you for standing with us for life and truth!
“Therefore we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth.” (3 John 1:8)
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