By Tara Shaver
Albuquerque, NM- Abortion Free New Mexico has filed an official complaint with the New Mexico Medical Board asking for an investigation into Curtis Boyd’s involvement of the abortion related death of a woman earlier this year.
Out of respect to the family we have redacted her name and will simply refer to her in our report as Ms. A.
According to the complaint, Ms. A, a 23 year old resident of Albuquerque, NM is not alive today because of the lack of care she received at Southwestern Women’s Options late term abortion facility. It is imperative that the New Mexico Medical Board thoroughly investigate what went wrong at Curtis Boyd’s abortion mill in order to protect other women from the same fate as Ms. A and her unborn child.
The complaint states:
I [Tara Shaver] am asking the New Mexico Medical Board to investigate Curtis Boyd, MD for what I believe is negligent care that lead to Ms. A’s death based on the following:
- There was a delay in Curtis Boyd’s ability to recognize Pulmonary thromboembolism in Ms. A even though she met the criteria for this condition. Curtis Boyd should have had a high index of suspicion of Pulmonary thromboembolism and made sure that she was transported to UNM Hospital immediately, as early intervention could have saved her life.
- The 911 call placed on Friday, February 3, 2017 at 12:04 p.m. which was later cancelled contributed to a delay in the emergency care that Ms. A required.
- Ms. A’s autopsy states “The lining of the uterus, as well as the maternal surface of the placenta showed acute inflammation, consistent with the clinical picture of a septic abortion.” It also states that she had bacteremia, a blood infection.
- The nature of the multiple day abortion procedure performed outside of a hospital setting, left her body vulnerable to infection. This procedure required that the unborn baby is killed on the first day and remains in the womb until delivery on the 3rd or 4th day. Repeated insertion and removal of laminaria cervical dilators each day can also contribute to infection.
It is my belief and that of medical professionals I have consulted with, that not only did Ms. A not receive timely emergency medical care to identify and treat the Pulmonary thromboembolism, but she also had sepsis (from the abortion) which is a known trigger for Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) that I believe lead to Ms. A ultimate cause of death being Pulmonary thromboembolism.
In the interest of public safety I ask that the New Mexico Medical investigate what happened to Ms. A while under the care of Curtis Boyd MD from January 31, 2017-February 3, 2017.
Read the full complaint: New Mexico Medical Board (NMMB) Complaint
On January 31, 2017, Ms. A went to Southwestern Women’s Options, the office of Curtis Boyd, MD, for an abortion procedure around 24 weeks of pregnancy. This procedure typically takes between 3 and 4 days to complete. On Friday, February 3, 2017, she returned to Curtis Boyd’s office to complete her procedure. However, while at his office she complained of shortness of breath and her oxygen saturation dropped below her baseline. Curtis Boyd’s staff made a call to 911 at 12:04 p.m. to have Ms. A transferred to UNM Hospital but that transport request was later cancelled.
Ms. A was pronounced dead at UNM Hospital on February 4, 2017 at 12:10 a.m. This was twelve hours after the initial 911 call was placed from Southwestern Women’s Options.
Fr. Stephen Imbarrato of Priests for Life issued the following statement,
“Are late term abortions really safe, legal and rare? Late term abortion up to the day of birth is legal in New Mexico. We have seen time and time again it is not rare that viable late term babies from around the world are murdered here in New Mexico. We also know abortion is not safe for the mothers of these dead babies. For Ms. A, her late term abortion was fatal. How many other women have died from late term abortions that have been covered up? How many more women must die before the medical community admits that abortions are not safe?”
For more information read the following reports from Operation Rescue:
- Woman DEAD from Abortion at Late-Term Facility Currently Under Criminal Investigation
- Looking Deeper: Analysis of Facts Proves Woman Died from Abortion — Not Pregnancy
This is an outrage. Money from the taxpayers of NM and Albuquerque property owners is being used at UNM Hospitals to treat the life-threatening and fatal complications of abortions done for handsome profit at this murder factory ten short blocks from the ER entrance.
I will be doing my own protest vigil at SWO, as the spirit moves me.