Moriarty, NM- New Mexico has the reputation of being the “Abortion Capital of the Southwest” and the “Late Term Abortion Capital of the Country.” Even pro-abortion advocates proudly call New Mexico the least restrictive, most woman and abortion friendly state in the country.
NM Rally for Life organizers issued the following statement,
“We are planning a NM Rally for Life on May 12th – the day before Mother’s day – between 2 & 5 pm MST at the Pumpkin Patch in Moriarty. Entry is free. We will have speakers telling their stories: a woman telling about her post-abortion experience, a couple that fosters kids, adoptive parents and an adoption agency, someone talking about Down Syndrome, and other stories. We’re planning activities for kids, a cake walk & a silent auction where the money donated by our participants will go to pro-life providers, and an art contest ($500.00 will be donated to a pro-life nonprofit in the winner’s name).
There will be informational booths, including Abortion Free New Mexico, CareNet, NM Alliance for Life, Know Now Mobile Medical Unit, adoption agencies, and other entities that provide help for women with unplanned pregnancies.
The HUB of NM will be broadcasting on-site, live.”
- Abortion Free New Mexico leaders will be speaking at the rally. Please come out, meet our family and stand for life with us here in New Mexico.