July 27, 2024

Never Grow Weary

Back in February (22, 2013) Bud shared this testimony from our ministry out at Late-Term abortion clinic Southwestern Women’s Options in Albuquerque, New Mexico:

“A mother who is 7 months pregnant came to the abortion clinic today but not to get an abortion she came because she knew we would be there and that we would be able to help her! Ironically she came to the right place…only because God’s love was present there through His people! God has created us to not simply be the city on a hill distant and set apart, but a city on the sidewalk in the midst of our communities! Surrounded by the darkness, we are shining bright and drawing people to the Son! This is the power of the God we serve and His purpose for His church!”

UPDATE: During the past few months we have been helping this mother with things she needed during her pregnancy. The body of Christ has rallied behind us and has stepped up in big ways to serve this family! We especially would like to thank Bobby and Collette for serving this family, she wanted us to say tank you to you both for the help you have provided!

Here she is! She was born May 2nd, almost 8 lbs.

Baby girl 1

This is why we…”Never grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap a harvest, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

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