Dear Friends,
The November 19 special election to ban late term abortions in ABQ is just around the corner. Mark your calendars for this historic election day! We have just under one month to continue to educate and mobilize our base to vote “FOR” the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance.
You can now print the absentee ballot application by visiting our website here. Please print extra copies and distribute to your friends and families, this will save you all a trip to the polls. Mail them back right away to ensure that you get your ballot in time.
A trip to the polls isn’t a bad thing though. Today, at New Beginnings Church, ABQ Voters For Late Term Abortion Ban registered many new voters and distributed many absentee ballot forms. Many people, however, are eager, excited and want to make an in person appearance to get out and vote on the 19th! The deadline for voter registration is October 22 at 5:00pm.
As we reach out to new people each day our message of preserving life in ABQ is spreading. Help us spread this message even further by requesting your yard signs, bumper stickers, church bulletin inserts and fliers (in Spanish also). These items are ready to be picked up or delivered to you-free of charge.If you would like to help in anyway please visit our get involved page to sign up.
Thank you to everyone who has helped bring us to this point in ABQ and to everyone who daily fights for life.
Tara Shaver
ABQ Voters For Late Term Abortion Ban
Contact us at and we will deliver yard signs, flyers/bulletin inserts and bumper stickers to you.