Two years ago, Tara Shaver and I (Evangelicals) stepped out in faith to work with Project Defending Life (PDL) a Catholic Pro-Life Ministry in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Director of PDL, Fr. Stephen Imbarrato a Roman Catholic Priest took a step of faith as well! We are told in Scripture that you can tell by the fruit borne, what is of God! Over the past two years we can say with absolute certainty that God is definitely blessing our steps of faith!
Here is a short list of what God has accomplished in just two years in New Mexico:
~We maintained a peaceful, public, and prayerful presence at all three of Albuquerque, NM abortion clinics. Ministry on a sidewalk gives us the opportunity to talk with people we would otherwise never meet. Many of these conversations deal with broken people carrying heavy burdens. Some of these people confronted us as their enemies but by the grace of God, God was able to use our conversations to Make Friends With Our Enemies, Harshest Critics (Fellow Christians), and even God Haters!
~Countless babies were saved and moms helped.
~We helped PDL open it’s 2nd Pregnancy Help Center across from UNM abortion clinic.
~We obtained a total of 14 911 recordings, documenting serious abortion injuries. 3 were from the UNM abortion clinic, while the other 11 were from the late term clinic.
~We filed complaints with the NM Medical Board for all 14 abortion injuries.
~We met with Governor Martinez to discuss these complaints as well as abortion in NM.
~We received several tips regarding the UNM abortion clinic from a confidential informant.
~We exposed the landlord of the late term abortion clinic, Sandia Foundation.
~We exposed tax funded abortions, costing tax payers millions.
~We wrote and released an Exposé about UNM’s abortion agenda. Members of PDL, including Tara presented concerns about UNM’s abortion agenda at the UNM Board of Regents Meeting.
~Pastor Eric Lamb of the largest Christian Church in New Mexico (by attendance) Calvary of ABQ was inspired by our ministry and due to his leadership, he has held Pro-Life apologetics training classes, which has resulted in more Christians Standing For Life!
~We exposed that abortion clinics in NM operate with virtually no oversight from government agencies which places unsuspecting women’s lives at risk!
~We met with the Governor and presented our findings regarding the lack of oversight at NM abortion clinics as well as our concerns about tax funded abortions in NM, costing tax payers millions.
~The NM Medical Board investigated the fourteen 911 call complaints filed by Tara last year. Based on the investigation, one abortion violated the standard of care. Late-Term Abortionist Shelley Sella faced a Medical Board hearing to determine what, if any disciplinary action will be taken against her license.
~We uncovered that Planned Parenthood of NM injured a woman and filed additional medical board complaints against the abortionists involved! (This means that Tara has uncovered and exposed injuries to women taking place at all three ABQ abortion clinics and filed medical Board complaints against all of the abortionists!)
~Local media outlets have covered the Medical Board investigations and have thus informed the women of NM to the dangers posed at abortion clinics. We have confirmed that women have chosen life instead of abortion as a result of this!
~We worked closely with Operation Rescue doing investigations and publishing our findings. Our press releases were picked up by local and national media outlets.
Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, Director of Project Defending Life recently stated:
“Matthew 25:31-46: The Judgment of the Sheep and the Goats is based on how we treat the “least of my brethren.” We at Project Defending Life turn moms around at the abortion mill and take care of dozens of them each month… most are poor, many are homeless, almost all are imprisoned in their lives, are hungry and thirsty for some sense (value) in their lives. (Most do not know Jesus). They are strangers to us, but we take them in. They are naked in their condition and we try to cloth them with charity. And of course there is no one who is the “least of Christ’s brethren” in our culture than our brothers and sisters in the womb! So if you wish to be among the sheep when the King comes in His glory and sits on His throne…you may want to consider pro-life ministry! www.defendinglife.org Finally…take note of the parable immediately before the Judgment of the Sheep and the Goat! It is the parable of the Talents! What, my friends, are we doing with the graces that Jesus has given us! We can no longer say, “when did we see you, Lord?”
“Project Defending Life is the only pro-life ministry in the entire country that has regularly scheduled weekly Masses and Eucharistic processions to an abortion mill! Google Holy Innocents Chapel, Albuquerque.”
Tara and I have been blessed most over the past two years by having the opportunity to learn from those who are so faithful at Project Defending Life. I love their pure and sincere faith of trusting God. By expressing their faith in bringing Jesus literally to the abortion clinic, they are trusting that the light of Jesus will cast out all darkness and that this will result in Planned Parenthood closing its doors for good!
May we all be encouraged to live out our faith in such a way that God will receive all Glory and God’s will be accomplished today in our communities! May we all take bold steps of faith to do what we can to end abortion by stepping out with faith, hope, and love.