The month of May was incredibly encouraging as God brought out workers for the ripe New Mexico harvest. We kicked off the month with a Mother’s Day rally outside of the late term clinic. About 60 people prayerfully and peacefully surrounded the clinic with flowers and life saving resources for the moms going in for abortions. New prayer warriors came out with their children which is the strongest reflection of love and life possible for the community to see. Everyday is mother’s day and we are privileged to minister, rescue and serve the pregnant, often desperate mom’s of New Mexico on a daily basis.
Here are more pictures and testimony from those who attended and left uplifted and encouraged: Special Mother’s Day Event In Front Of Late-Term Abortion Facility
On May 13th, Abortionist Kermit Gosnell was found guilty of murdering babies born alive during late term abortions in Pennsylvania. What many New Mexicans are not aware of is the fact that the very method he used to kill babies that resulted in the births of live babies (he then killed), is being used here by SWO. We held a press conference outside of SWO to make that known and to draw attention to the fact that abortion is barbaric and must be stopped. The Gosnell case gives us hope that more people will see the truth and reject abortion altogether. The media coverage was awesome, Praise God!
At least 40 pro-lifers were there to hold signs and talk to the women and men going in. Local CBS TV station KRQE-13 ran the following report that afternoon:
Click this link for Tara’s full statement to the press and for more pictures:
Albuquerque TV Station Reports On Pro-Life Rally
The month ended with the second monthly “Youth for Life Rally” outside of SWO. This generation is overwhelmingly pro-life and eager to bring this injustice to light on the streets. God is doing an amazing work here in Albuquerque, when Christians are obedient to God’s call, He accomplishes so much. The battle for life here continues so please fervently pray for all of our efforts and one day New Mexico will be abortion free.
This month we offered our second monthly Sidewalk Counseling Training Seminar at Project Defending Life. We had a great turnout and received very encouraging feedback we’d like to share with you. “What I learned today was that I did not know what people who I saw ‘picketing’ outside clinics were really doing. I’ve seen it plenty of times, and I assumed the picketers were condemning the women as they went in to the clinic. As in ‘abortion is wrong!’ The end. But today I learned it is about a deep love of the women and the babies they carry. It’s about being present to present another option. It’s about stepping out in faith and trusting God will use us when we are obedient. It’s about educating the women, of exactly what the baby looks like in their womb. It is not the Westboro Baptist style message of hate and condemnation. I loved your explanation of how it is many women end up at a late clinic. It’s because they got some bad news about the babies condition or they have had a change in support that puts them in crisis mode. They have gotten a referral appointment from their doctor to the late term clinic, and are just ‘showing up.’ They are following doctors orders. They are not out looking for other options. So, the protesters/sidewalk counselors are, for many women, the first ‘other option’ they encounter. Therefore, a presence is vital!! Protestors are not there to condemn women, but rather present them with another option. I love Project Defending Life, because they do truly offer so many helpful resources. It’s not just encouraging words…it’s help backed with actions!!!” -Laura
“If you ever wondered what hard core, Pro-Life activists look like…here they are! This is what strikes fear into the abortion cartel…Loving, gracious, passionate mothers and their children…be afraid, very afraid!”
Above- Some of our faithful homeschooling mom volunteers. These ladies are awesome sidewalk counselors and are helping to raise up the next generation to be passionately pro-life by their own examples.
“I have come that you may have Life and Life Abundantly” (John 10:10)
This month, there was an amazing story that unfolded out on the sidewalk in front of the Late-Term abortion clinic! Two young women came over to us as we were reaching out at Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO), the young woman who was there for an abortion was from Juarez MEXICO! She did not speak any English, but her friend who was with her did, they both had just come to Albuquerque, NM from El Paso Texas. A sidewalk counselor who was there with me, drove them both to Project Defending Life for life affirming help and an ultrasound. The young woman from Mexico traveled to El Paso and went to an abortion clinic run by Abortionist Franz Theard, she scheduled her abortion and paid $750. On the day of her abortion appointment she was told she was 19 weeks pregnant and that Theard only did abortions up to 15 weeks; they refused to give her the $750 she had already paid and they referred her to Southwestern Women’s Options!
When the two young women arrived at Project Defending Life, Maria, the mom’s ministry leader was surprised to see them AGAIN…come to find out, the shuttle driver from El Paso instead of driving these women to Southwestern Women’s Options, he brought them to Project Defending Life (how good is God?)! At that time, the young woman from Mexico did not want any of the help that Maria had offered her and was very closed off to the idea of keeping her baby! They both refused any help and made their way to the appointment scheduled at SWO! However, when they arrived the SECOND time to PDL she was open to having an ultrasound. SWO told her she was 23 weeks pregnant and asked her to pay $3000 dollars for the abortion! When Maria did the ultrasound a light appeared around the baby’s head (kind of like a halo) and continued to get brighter and brighter (See the ultrasound picture below). Maria, who has provided numerous ultrasounds over the years had never seen anything like this before! The young mom noticed the light shining on her baby and was so moved that she took it as a miraculous sign from God and was so excited to be a mom and be pregnant! At the end of the day she left PDL and headed back to MEXICO excited to be a mom and so thrilled about the baby she was carrying…for the first time in her pregnancy!
God was certainly at work in this mom’s life and was determined to see her precious baby saved. You really can’t make this kind of testimony up, God is at work!
Here is the ultrasound picture of the baby. The baby is facing us and on the right side is the light shining on the baby’s head and in the upper right, it is…as if there is a light shining into the womb!
Back in February (22, 2013) Bud shared this testimony from our ministry out at Late-Term abortion clinic Southwestern Women’s Options in Albuquerque, New Mexico:
“A mother who is 7 months pregnant came to the abortion clinic today but not to get an abortion she came because she knew we would be there and that we would be able to help her! Ironically she came to the right place…only because God’s love was present there through His people! God has created us to not simply be the city on a hill distant and set apart, but a city on the sidewalk in the midst of our communities! Surrounded by the darkness, we are shining bright and drawing people to the Son! This is the power of the God we serve and His purpose for His church!”
UPDATE: During the past few months we have been helping this mother with things she needed during her pregnancy. The body of Christ has rallied behind us and has stepped up in big ways to serve this family! We especially would like to thank Bobby and Collette for serving this family, she wanted us to say tank you to you both for the help you have provided!
Well here she is! She was born May 2nd, almost 8 lbs.
On May 3rd, Bud spoke to the Christian leaders during the National Day of Prayer Week at Glory Christian Fellowship in Albuquerque. This day was designated for prayer regarding the injustice of abortion in this city and our nation, here is an excerpt from his talk that has motivated a group of Pastors to get involved:
“When we look back on this past year, can we honestly say that we are better off as a nation from one year ago? Why not? What do the leaders of the church need to do this year, that will ensure that our prayers have the impact on our nation that they need to have? Bud shared his “street-side” view and encourages the Christian leaders of this city, and this nation that in this coming year, if we succeed in nothing else, we must protest the evil of this generation…Abortion!”
Click here to listen to Bud’s National Day of Prayer Talk.
This month, Tara was interviewed on a local Christian TV station KAZQ TV-32. It was a great interview with great questions about late-term abortion in Albuquerque and how to get involved with Project Defending Life!
The interview with Tara begins at 11:50.
Special Report By Tara Shaver
Albuquerque, NM —Abortionist Kermit Gosnell was recently convicted of first degree murder of viable late term babies who were born alive after illegal late-term abortions. What he did to these babies has shocked the nation, but his actions are really business as usual at abortion clinics around the country.
The horrific crimes that took place at Kermit Gosnell’s abortion clinic have put a spotlight on the barbaric act of late-term abortion. However, the crimes committed in Pennsylvania are not isolated incidents. In fact, Albuquerque, New Mexico is home to one of the nation’s most high profile late-term abortion clinics, Southwestern Women’s Options, which doles out to women the same late-term procedure that Gosnell subjected his patients to, with only one difference; in Pennsylvania it was illegal to kill babies after 24 weeks but in New Mexico it is legal to kill a baby up to the day of birth.
In fact, New Mexico provides no restrictions whatsoever on abortion.
There are many troubling similarities between what took place in Philadelphia’s “House of Horrors” and what is currently taking place in Albuquerque’s “House of Pain.”
Continue reading the full report by Tara Shaver here: Gosnell-Like Abortion Practices are Business as Usual in New Mexico
Please Pray :
~Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to be advocates for the women and children of New Mexico.
~For an end to abortion in New Mexico.
~For the conversion of every abortion doctor and clinic worker.
~For softened hearts of the women we speak to each day at abortion clinics.
~For the moms who have already chosen life and for the means to continue to serve them.
~For a continued grace filled and Christ centered ministry focus.
~For more opportunities to share the truth about abortion and it’s effects with the Christian community.
~For the Christian community to rise up out of apathy and a spiritual awakening.
~For more workers for this ripe harvest.
~For our safety in this spiritual battle.
“Seek the well being of the city to which I have sent you. Pray for it to the Lord. For in seeking its well being you shall find your own.“ Jeremiah 29:7