Some of the babies saved and mom's served through our ministry in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Our family would like to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for but are especially thankful for the prayers, encouragement and support that have come from you this year!
We are thankful for…
God faithfully bringing forth fruit from this ministry. He deserves all the praise. There is so much happening right now in Albuquerque that is bringing us closer to seeing this city become abortion free. In fact on November 29th and 30th the first abortionist in New Mexico will be held accountable for a 35-week abortion that landed a woman in the hospital with a ruptured uterus. Abortionist Shelley Sella will have a hearing with the New Mexico Medical Board, which is the direct result of a year long investigation prompted by complaints filed by Tara and Operation Rescue, click here for full story. Please pray that the hearing will remain open to the public and that abortion abuses in New Mexico will finally reap their due reward.
We are thankful for…
The launch of our new website: prolifewitness.org Our conversion from a blog to a website is going to provide people with easy access to so much vital information. We know that educating the general public with what is happening locally is so vital and we know that this new site will do just that. Please visit the site and feel free to subscribe at the top so that you never miss an update.
We are thankful for…
Answered prayer. As you probably know by now one of our main prayers has been for more workers for this ripe harvest. The harvest of saving moms and babies from the horror of abortion. God has provided more workers from New Mexico’s largest church, Calvary Chapel ABQ. Pastor Eric Lamb recently launched the Pro-Life Movement 9 Months at Calvary ABQ. This movement is bigger than just a Calvary movement and we look forward to more Christians and Churches stepping up and following Calvary ABQ’s example of faithfulness in the coming year! Here is the latest video done by a dear friend of ours that highlights the broadcast of Calvary’s own radio station’s coverage of the latest 40 Days for Life campaign. This broadcast is a great example of how to get the word out and shine light into this dark world.
We are thankful for…
Both Project Defending Life and Operation Rescue who have blessed us in so many ways. Project Defending Life has been a tremendously blessing to us throughout the 2 years we have been serving here, it means so much to always have them as a partner in the effort to help moms keep their babies. We have learned so much from those at Operation Rescue and it has been a blessing to have them come along side us in our ministry here in New Mexico. Both organizations have been an invaluable resource to our ministry!
May God Bless all of you in your efforts to serve Christ in your communities!
Click here to make your year end tax-deductible donation so that we can continue our life saving ministry here in New Mexico!
Or, your donation can be mailed to:
Bud and Tara Shaver
P.O. Box 50351
Albuquerque, NM 87181
-All donations made out to Project Defending Life, earmarked for “Bud or Tara Shaver” are tax deductible.