By Bud Shaver
Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for your faithful prayers for us and our ministry this month. We planted so many seeds for life and anticipate great things to come as a result of our efforts and your generosity. You are helping us to build an Abortion Free New Mexico.
One highlight from this month is that we released two undercover projects revealing that abortionist Franz Theard, doing abortions at Hilltop Reproductive Clinic in Santa Teresa, NM, and the four abortionists at Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO) located in Albuquerque, NM are potentially violating FDA protocols for prescribing Mifepristone aka the abortion pill (RU486). According to our investigation, neither Hilltop Reproductive Clinic nor Southwestern Women’s Options formally diagnose ectopic pregnancies. Their inability to diagnose ectopic pregnancies is in clear violation of FDA protocols, places women’s lives at risk and is a clear violation of the REMS requirements. As outlined in the FDA approved REMS document, prescribers of the abortion drug, Mifeprex must have the “ability to diagnose ectopic pregnancies.” We then filed complaints against abortionist Franz Theard and the four abortionists at SWO (Curtis Boyd, Shelley Sella, Carmen Landau and Shannon Carr) with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other federal and state agencies regarding this and other deviations from FDA protocols. Please pray that these complaints bring action against these abortionists.
View the undercover videos and reports:

This month we followed up our expose and FDA complaints by heading down to Southern New Mexico and into El Paso, Texas from September 16-17 we had two full days of protesting across two states! Fr. Stephen Imbarrato: The Protest Priest and Southwest Coalition for Life join forces with us at Franz Theard’s OBGYN office located only a half a mile down the street from his abortion killing center.
- Highlights: Expose Franz Theard Campaign
We also protested outside of two El Paso hospitals, The Los Palmas Medical Center and The Hospitals of Providence Memorial Campus, where abortionist Franz Theard has admitting privileges to deliver babies on the days he’s not killing them. Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico spoke to representatives of both hospitals to follow up with them since they refused to release a statement earlier this month. On both of their websites abortionist Franz Theard is listed as a “Physician affiliated” with their hospitals “in good standing”. While both hospitals confirmed that in fact Franz Theard does deliver babies at both hospitals. Theard is living a double life where he delivers babies at one location and kills babies at the other! We then teamed up for prayer and protest in Santa Teresa, NM at Hill Top Women’s Reproductive Clinic located just across the Texas border in New Mexico. Fr. Stephen Imbarrato who is On The Road For Life lead Mass and prayers of minor exorcism on location! Effective collaboration, unity, fellowship and community are just some of the things that we experienced over the two days doing pro-life outreach in the borderland.
In addition to being on the ground, we mailed postcards throughout both communities in El Paso, TX and Santa Teresa, NM surrounding his abortion killing centers, his OBGYN office and both hospitals.

The pro-life community of Southeastern New Mexico and El Paso were such a blessing as they welcomed us with open arms and fully recognized the need to work together in unison, complimenting each other in an effort to make their communities abortion free. We would also like to thank the Martin family from Rio Rancho who joined us for this trip to light up the darkness, our families combined totaled four adults and ten children, a truly powerful presence and witness for life.
After our visit, Southwest Coalition for Life Director, Mark Cavaliere, issued the following statement,
“We are extremely humbled and grateful to Abortion Free New Mexico for generously traveling from Albuquerque to invest two days of their time and expertise to help our local mission by drawing attention to El Paso abortionist Franz Theard’s FDA violations and double-life of delivering babies at his ObGyn office while killing them just a half mile down the road at his Hill Top abortion center. Their gracious collaboration and dedicated focus on accountability has helped to fill a void in El Paso which complements our specific ministry focus of crisis intervention through sidewalk advocacy and prayer, and Guiding Star El Paso’s focus on crisis management through ongoing client care. We sometimes forget that unity does not mean uniformity, but God gives us each unique callings and talents to suffer and rejoice together as one Body (1 Cor 12:18-27).”

Faith to Action Friday

Shining bright, defending our first amendment rights, building bridges with the Albuquerque Police Department and gaining territory… We actually called the Albuquerque police this month, to deal with UNM security outside of the UNM abortion center. We were able to resolve our position that we could access the public alley between properties and better position ourselves for sidewalk counseling to reach abortion minded women with love and resources!
- After only two weeks of multiplying our advocacy from the busy street to the alley, according to a reliable source, the University of New Mexico is considering relocating the UNM Center for Reproductive Health!
Pray that instead of relocating, UNM will stop its radical abortion agenda and get out of the abortion business!
Now more than ever, we need to pray collectively, publicly, and strategically. Our presence has the ability to reform the University of New Mexico so that they get out of the abortion business! Abortion is their dirty little secret that’s being exposed. Join us and let your light shine bright for Christ and HIS babies!
National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children

Of the 60 million victims of abortion since Roe v. Wade was handed down in 1973, only a tiny fraction have received a proper burial, at gravesites scattered throughout the country. On September 14, 2019 all of them were mourned during memorial services at those gravesites and dozens of other memorial markers set up in their honor. In Albuquerque, NM our memorial service for the Aborted Children who are buried at Sandia Memory Garden put everything into perspective. Being at the place where aborted babies are buried at your feet is such a powerful reminder of why we work so hard to stop the killing in New Mexico.
We were blessed to give our speakers a chance to share their hearts and pray the scriptures.
Joining us this year was:
- Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, director ofLife Ministries US
- Pastor Gary Cowan of Calvary Chapel East
- Michelle Garcia Holmes former Lieutenant Governor candidate
- Michael Hendricks, Candidate for New Mexico House District 20
- Karen Murchison of Connection Church
Thank you to everyone who came out for this event!
R.E.A.L. Conference 2019

This month Tara was blessed to have a ministry table and to attend the R.E.A.L. Conference for women in Albuquerque. Joined by a few friends, she had a great time meeting lots of new people and hearing from some amazing women share how the Lord has worked in their lives.
Events in October

Faith to Action Friday:
-October 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th,
-The UNM Center for Reproductive Health abortion center located at 2301 Yale Blvd NE. Albuquerque, NM 87106. (Use street parking on Renard.)

Please pray with us for New Mexico
- For: Abortionist Franz Theard’s conversion and for him to abandon his abortion businesses. (1 in NM and 1 in TX)
- For: Travel mercies and success in our outreach in Santa Teresa, New Mexico.
- For: Christians to engage the culture war and for more churches to welcome us in to educate and register voters.
- For: Effective collaboration between like minded groups in New Mexico to end abortion, educate and effect future elections.
- Please pray for wisdom for us in our marriage, as parents and for our ministry to be fruitful.
Thank you for standing with us for life!
We are a Christian missionary family serving in Albuquerque, NM. Putting our faith into action, for the past 8 years we have exposed Albuquerque as the late term abortion capital of the nation and have worked to bring accountability to an unregulated abortion industry that is killing children in their mothers wombs up to the day of birth.
In order to be the most effective in our pro-life ministry, we do this important work full time while homeschooling our children and raising them to have a biblical worldview. We rely solely on the provision of the Lord and individuals like you to provide for our daily needs.
We are pursuing and working toward an abortion free New Mexico, where every pre-born child is valued and protected.
- We couldn’t do this important work without God’s calling and hand upon us as well as your faithful prayers and support.
We would be blessed to have you partner with us in this ministry. Your prayers and support are invaluable.
Ways to partner with us as we work to build an Abortion Free New Mexico
- Pray for our efforts in New Mexico
- Join us for our events this month
- Make an online tax-deductible donationhere
- Contact Real Estate for Life when buying or purchasing a home.
- Select Life Ministries US as your charitable organization at smile.Amazon.com