The Activist talking to the Pastors!
Bud Shaver spoke to the Christian leaders during the National Day of Prayer Week at Glory Christian Fellowship in Albuquerque, New Mexico on Friday night May 3, 2013. This day was designated for prayer regarding the injustice of abortion in this city and our nation.
When we look back on this past year, can we honestly say that we are better off as a nation from one year ago? Why not? What do the leaders of the church need to do this year, that will ensure that our prayers have the impact on our nation that they need to have? Bud shares his “street-side” view and encourages the Christian leaders of this city, and this nation that in this coming year, if we succeed in nothing else, we must protest the evil of this generation…Abortion!
(The entire talk is about 37 minutes)
Bud’s National Day of Prayer Talk Part 1/4
Bud’s National Day of Prayer Talk Part 2/4
Bud’s National Day of Prayer Talk Part 3/4
Bud’s National Day of Prayer Talk Part 4/4