By Bud Shaver
Albuquerque, New Mexico- We are pleased to announce that the next Block Party before the November 2nd election is right around the corner. The upcoming Off the Cuff ABQ Talk Radio Block Party will be held on Saturday, October 23rd from 12-4pm in the parking lot of Calvary Chapel East located at 12820 Indian School Rd. NE in Albuquerque. This event is being hosted by Off The Cuff ABQ and Abortion Free New Mexico. A huge thank you to Calvary Chapel East for the amazing venue! This block party is going to be huge and a ton of fun!
Albuquerque, New Mexico- We are pleased to announce that the next Block Party before the November 2nd election is right around the corner. The upcoming Off the Cuff ABQ Talk Radio Block Party will be held on Saturday, October 23rd from 12-4pm in the parking lot of Calvary Chapel East located at 12820 Indian School Rd. NE in Albuquerque. This event is being hosted by Off The Cuff ABQ and Abortion Free New Mexico. A huge thank you to Calvary Chapel East for the amazing venue! This block party is going to be huge and a ton of fun!
We have candidates lining up to speak, including Renee Grout for Albuquerque City Council District 9- where Calvary Chapel East is located.
- To learn more about how you can support and be involved in Renee Grout’s campaign please visit Vote.ReneeGrout.com.
Renee Grout signed our Pro-Life Pledge in conjunction with the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children.
Abortion Free New Mexico’s Pro-Life Pledge states:
“I pledge to defend life from conception to natural death. In making and keeping this pledge, I am committed to ending all abortion and all assisted suicide in the state of New Mexico.”
We also have vendors and sponsors securing their spots to come together as a community for Faith, Family and Freedom.
- If you would like to be a sponsor and have a booth at this event contact ABQOffTheCuff@gmail.com