By Bud Shaver
Albuquerque, NM- When Abortion Free New Mexico launched Faith to Action Friday five months ago, we committed just one hour a week to prayer and protest at the University of New Mexico’s free standing abortion killing center. The UNM Center for Reproductive Health is using our tax dollars (as a publicly funded institution) to promote their radical abortion agenda that is killing babies up to 24 weeks gestation!
Jesus to his disciples in his darkest hour, “Couldn’t you keep watch with me for one hour?” Matthew 26:40
While an hour of prayer seems so minimal of a commitment, it meant so much to Jesus in his darkest hour and it means everything to the babies scheduled for death at UNM.
Over the past five months we realized that we could better reach abortion minded women if we could have access to the alley behind the abortion killing center so we did our research and learned that it was in fact a public right of way. So we called the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) and worked with them to establish our position and our right to be back there unimpeded by UNM Police and security. By doing so, we built bridges with APD, gained an important ally and claimed more territory to peacefully engage in the battle for LIFE.

Faith to Action Friday really has taken on that identity as it has primarily been the faith community who has joined us each week. In fact, most of those stepping out in faith each Friday have been churches represented by their Pastors, ministry leaders, the Knights of Columbus and a Priest! During the past five months, it has been amazing to witness how a sidewalk and alley surrounding an abortion clinic have been transformed from a dark hopeless walk of death, to a beacon of light and hope simply because the faith community has stepped out into the public square and are boldly bringing the light of Jesus to the most lost and desperate in our community…
Culminating this past Friday with a baby being saved!
Simply being present has the potential to save lives as the Holy Spirit brings conviction to the mom’s seeking abortions. We’ve witnessed it time and time again. However, utilizing your voice and speaking to the mothers and fathers going into an abortion clinic also brings conviction, changes minds and saves lives. Our friend Joe (who is at the UNM abortion center daily) spoke for 17 minutes, this past Friday, with a young man who had brought his girlfriend for an abortion and through Joe’s encouragement went back inside and got his girlfriend and they left for a nearby pregnancy center.
- Click here to watch Joe encourage a father to go back inside UNMCRH to rescue his child and he does!

The need to put our faith into action and to combine our prayers with protest could not be more important. James (the brother of Jesus) emphatically stated,
“Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”
Fr. Stephen Imbarrato: The Protest Priest, director of Life Ministries US recently stated in an interview with One America News in Washington D.C.,
“We should not be afraid of the word protest because surely everything I do in defense of the unborn I do in protest of their mass murder! And so, I was encouraging the pro-life movement to embrace the word protest, to not be afraid of the word protest, surely Martin Luther King [Jr.] wasn’t afraid of the word protest. He called what he did peaceful prayerful protest.”
By combining our prayers with protest and putting our Faith to Action, we are also utilizing our first amendment rights as American citizens at a crucial time in our history as a free nation. If we don’t utilize our rights now for the most defenseless among us, then we are at risk of losing them in the near future when no one will be left to speak up for us!
Join us: Faith to Action Friday’s in October
It only takes an hour to make a lasting difference and have an impact for LIFE. Now more than ever, we need to pray collectively, publicly, and strategically. Our presence has the ability to reform The University of New Mexico – UNM so that they get out of the abortion business!
Abortion is their dirty little secret that must be exposed.

Let’s stand together for life and strategically step out in faith to transform our community.
- Join us for “Faith to Action Friday” on October 18th and 25th from 9-10AM
- The UNMCRH free standing abortion clinic is located at 2301 Yale Blvd in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- Parking is available on Renard (off Yale)
- Everyone is welcome to join us for this peaceful presence.

UNM is at the heart of the abortion cartel in New Mexico, as a publicly funded institution UNM consistently promotes a culture of death and is actively training the next generation of abortionists…
- Please read and share our undercover videos and reports: UNM and Tax Funded Abortions in New Mexico
- Watch Bud’s Interview discussing the University of New Mexico on Infowars: State Of New Mexico Caught Trafficking Aborted Baby Parts
If you can’t join us, please keep our efforts in your prayers that hearts will be touched and eyes will be open to the truth about abortion in New Mexico.