March 6, 2025

Albuquerque Petition to End Late Term Abortions INFO and INSTRUCTIONS

petition pic

petition pic

We need EVERYONE’S help to reach the goal of 15,000 registered Albuquerque (ONLY) voters by Thursday, July 25th!

Petition Signing locations:

Faithworks- (505) 884-0657

3301 Menaul NE Albuquerque, NM 87107

The Yard- (505) 550-0162

2430 Juan Tabo NE Albuquerque, NM 87112

Orphans Exchange- (505) 296-7774

1815 Wyoming Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87112

 Bibles Plus- (505) 275-0330

2740 Wyoming Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111

Holy Family Religious Supplies- (505)-898-4659

9421 Coors Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114

 Sacred Heart Parish- (505) 242-0561

309 Stover Ave SW Albuquerque, NM 87102

For more information and to help us get signatures contact, Tara at 505-319-7825 or email: If you would like to help us get signatures you can e-mail me at we can send you the petition, instructions and all you need to help us reach this monumental goal!

OR…Everything is available online here below for you to print out!

Here are general instructions, however, please look through all of the documents as well. Thanks for your help.

Instructions for collecting petition signatures:

-Anyone can collect signatures.

-Print the petition and a copy of the ordinance. Each petition must have an ordinance stapled to it at all times.

-Only registered voters in the city of Albuquerque may sign the petition.

-All four fields of the petition must be filled in, i.e. Usual signature, printed name, address, date.

-Address given must be the address the person registered to vote with.

-Have signer write legibly.

-If a person gathers multiple signatures, they must fill out the affidavit and sign it in the presence of a notary. Their petitions must be present at the time of  being notarized.

DROP OFF or you can MAIL IN (don’t forget to get everything notarized before mailing) at this Location for ALL petitions:

Address: 3301 Menaul Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107

Phone:(505) 884-0657

Here is the petition along with the ordinance that must be stapled to each petition when you get signatures. Also, each volunteer needs the attached affidavit that will need to be signed in the presence of a notary (a notary will be available at Faithworks July 13-July 25th 3301 Menaul NE Albuquerque, NM 87107). Each person that collects signatures must keep their petitions altogether and must sign this affidavit when they are completely done collecting signatures.  All the instructions and talking points are also provided below.  This is everything you need to collect signatures feel free to contact Tara Shaver if you have any questions. 505-319-7825 or email:

We have also included the consent form from Late-Term abortion clinic Southwestern Women’s Option ( SWO) owned and operated by Curtis Boyd which states in his owns words that, “[A] pregnancy termination at 18 weeks and above involves a greater risk than carrying a pregnancy to term.”

All the required documents for collecting signatures are online and available for you to print out yourself!

Here are the official documents and instructions  –

If you have any problems click the “Download” button or click “Open With Different Viewer”

ABQ Petition: Petition For Direct Legislation By Voter Initiative

ABQ Ordinance: “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance”


Instructions For Petitions

Instructions For Petition Circulators

Talking Points

SWO Consent Form

This is the first step to ending all abortions in New Mexico.


Press Release

For Immediate Release

On June 28th, 2013 concerned citizens of Albuquerque, New Mexico filed a petition for direct legislation by voter initiative with the Albuquerque City Clerk. The “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance” if put into law in the city of Albuquerque will undoubtedly protect women and children from abortion.

In the state of New Mexico late term abortions are legal up to the ninth month of pregnancy. These abortions are, in fact, being performed in the city of Albuquerque each week on women who come from all across the nation to obtain them.

The citizens of Albuquerque are deeply concerned about the safety of women seeking abortions beyond 20 weeks, which according to late term abortionist Curtis Boyd’s, owner of Southwestern Women’s Options, informed consent paperwork are more dangerous than carrying the pregnancy to term.

All across the nation and most recently in Texas the issue of fetal pain has come to the surface for all to examine. Neurologist Paul Ranalli states that, “At 20 weeks, the fetal brain has the full complement of brain cells present in adulthood, ready and waiting to receive pain signals from the body, and their electrical activity can be recorded by standard electroencephalography (EEG).”

The citizens of Albuquerque want these pain capable unborn children to be protected as a result of this initiative and will be seeking to obtain the required signatures over the next month to ensure that this ordinance is put on the Albuquerque October election ballot.

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