(Picture from the ABQ Protest by Tish)
Albuquerque, NM- On August 22nd pro-life Americans mobilized like never before in over 340 cities across the nation in 49 states to #ProtestPP. There was a great turnout in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the media reported 500 our count was around 600! God is faithful to bring out His people for such a time as this!Thanks to everyone who showed up out on the street!
A common inquiry among those who emailed us prior to the August 22nd #Protest PP event in Albuquerque was to ask what the protest would be like because for many, this would be their first. We explained that as Christians we conduct ourselves in a peaceful and law abiding manner at every protest, we are ambassadors for Christ above all else.
Our friend Mark Harrington Executive Director of Created Equal and national organizer of #ProtestPP said it best, “Peaceful Protest is as American as apple pie and baseball.”
Protest is what we have been calling for here in New Mexico with Fr. Imbarrato due to the pro-abortion political climate and statewide leadership that continues to ignore the killing of our pre-born neighbors. Protest is the proper response to this bloodshed and is what will make us a force to be reckoned with as we stop giving passes to those who profit from, condone and support pre-born child killing.
Here are two encouraging testimonies from the Albuquerque #ProtestPP event:
A young married couple reported to us that they imagined the protest would consist of yelling and confrontation. When asked what their impression of the protest was afterward they stated, “It was powerful to be among so many pro-life people who were simply standing up for what they believed in, that all life is sacred. The media paints an inaccurate picture of pro-life people who protest, this protest was peaceful and powerfully effective in getting the truth out by simply taking a public stand.”
Another testimony relayed to us is from a Pastor who attended the #ProtestPP event for his first protest.
“While standing on the corner of the street protesting Planned Parenthood, a young man drove by us and then proceeded to park his car and came over to yell and curse at a whole line of us for being in his neighborhood.”
The Pastor had never experienced such treatment and stood silently in prayer asking for an opportunity to speak with this young man. The man then approached the Pastor and a conversation began about what the protest was actually about. The Pastor explained that, “literally across the street from your home is a killing center that not only murders pre-born children but also harvests and sells their organs and tissues for an extra profit.” The man was taken aback as if scales were removed from his eyes! He then proceeded to go and apologize to everyone he had yelled at and then he picked up a sign and then joined the protest alongside the Pastor!
The Pastor walked away on Saturday with the realization that Christians must be active in the public square because if we’re not, then people simply won’t hear the truth and have an opportunity to end the killing of innocent children right across the street for their home!
Here is a video that was captured by ABQ RAW from a previous protest (last Thursday) outside of Southwestern Women’s Options late term abortion facility.
If you have ever wondered what a pro-life protest looks like…
Click video below or here: Protest ABQ Abortion Protesters Outside Southwestern Women’s Options in #Albuquerque ABQ RAW
This is the norm at our protests, peaceful civility that has so much potential for saving lives and changing minds. We invite you to join us in protest each week here in ABQ.
Today, as the 8th video from The Center for Medical Progress was released, we encourage everyone to consider what more you can do to stand for life in New Mexico and beyond.
If you want to join the pro-life protest movement in ABQ please fill out the Join Us form here through the Protest ABQ website.
Other Ways to be Involved:
PRAY: If you are unable to join us out on the street, please keep our efforts to end abortion in New Mexico in your prayers.
SUPPORT PRO-LIFE MISSIONARIES: You can also ensure that our efforts to end abortion in New Mexico continue by becoming a monthly financial partner, click here to make a secure online donation.