2014 Year In Review
It’s hard to believe that it’s that time of year again, a time to reflect and praise God for all that He has done. As pro-life missionaries we strive to heed God’s prompting and the Holy Spirit’s leading. This year has been chock full of EXPOSING and PROTESTING those who perpetuate abortion in New Mexico.
We continue to be amazed by how He refocuses our efforts and gives us the strength and endurance to continue moving forward to END the injustice of abortion.
Just this month as we arrived for family photos, we were surprised by who our photographer was. You may remember the story we shared back in 2010 about a 17 year old girl who was being pressured into an abortion by her family. Tara obtained the girl’s number and began texting her in the clinic, texting truth into her life along with pictures of what babies look like in the womb at 6weeks old.
This mom bravely walked out of Planned Parenthood and now her son is 3 years old with a one year old sister to boot! How awesome is our God that He works in the lives of the desperate and gives them a hope and a future. What a blessing for us to come face to face with living proof of the effectiveness of being faithful and obedient to God’s call.
Read the stories about the baby saved via text messaging:
Text Messaging Prevents Coerced Abortion at Planned Parenthood
Meet Manuel, a Baby Saved from Coerced Abortion by Texting
“Top 5 Highlights of 2014”
5- On March 11th after several weeks of training local activists Protest ABQ
had a very successful launch with over 50 local activists present.
Watch local News Coverage from KOB-4: Group launches new anti-abortion campaign
4- As a result of both the recent launch of PROTEST ABQ and a continued
presence outside of the UNMCRH for the past 3 years, the UNM Center For Reproductive Health killing center fled its location.
Read more here: Pro-Life Protests Force University of New Mexico Abortion Clinic to Relocate
More from Pro-life New Mexico: One Man’s Presence Closes Abortion Facility!
Local coverage from the ABQ Journal: UNM plans to move reproductive health clinic
Local coverage by the UNM Daily Lobo: Women’s Health Center relocates
3- Protest ABQ Campaign Spurs Meeting With New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez Over Abortion. This meeting was a direct result of Protest ABQ’s focus on Gov. Martinez over the past several months due to her reluctance to take meaningful action to prevent abortion even though she campaigns as a pro-life supporter.
Read more here: Protest ABQ Campaign Spurs Meeting With New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez Over Abortion
Read the excellent article by…Cosmopolitan: New Mexico governor Susana Martinez has come under fire from anti-abortion groups for not doing enough to help their cause.
2- 1st EVER National Call to Action: National Protests and National Strike January 22-23, 2015 launched on November 19th.
Read more here: Major pro-life groups call for a national strike and protests to end abortion
1- The birth of our daughter Moriah! The best way to be pro-life and obedient to God’s command, “Be fruitful and multiply.”
REMINDER: Beginning January 1, 2015 Project Defending Life will no longer be processing our donations.
Please make your checks out to Bud or Tara Shaver and mail them to: PO Box 50351, ABQ NM 87181
Electronic Donations can also be scheduled online here.
Click here for the PDF version of this Newsletter
In the News This Month:
Ambulance Video: Seventeenth Known Medical Emergency at New Mexico Late-Term Abortion Clinic
Silence Is Consent: Las Cruces Group “Crashes” Gov. Martinez Homecoming Party
WND EXCLUSIVE Bull’s-eye! Violence stalks pro-life protesters.
Join our Facebook Event Page: National Protests & National Strike Jan. 22-23, 2015 [#Join #Share & #Invite!]
Keep our efforts in your prayers in the NEW YEAR as we continue to move forward to end abortion in New Mexico…to God alone be the glory!